
Collection of sorong news, found 624 news.

Six to stand trial for attacking West Papua military post

Papua Office, which probed the terror attack, conducted a crime scene investigation and met with witnesses, two ...

Maluku: BMKG records 13 aftershocks following 7.3-magnitude quake

The Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysical Agency (BMKG) recorded 13 aftershocks after a 7.3-magnitude earthquake ...

Medium-depth earthquake striking off Banda Sea still very active: BMKG

A strong 7.4-magnitude earthquake registered on Thursday at 01:25:53 a.m., 132 kilometers east of Tiakur, Southwest ...

Pertamina wins 23 gold awards for effectively implementing ESG

Pertamina received 23 gold awards in the Corporate Performance Rating Program in Environmental Management (PROPER) 2021 ...

Movie review: Papuan children, the President, and a bike

Despite their bright potential in the global film market, not many film-makers in the country have shown an interest in ...

BMKG forecasts moderate to heavy rains ahead of Christmas

The Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) has forecast moderate to heavy rains in parts of the capital ...

BMKG issues extreme weather warning following cyclonic circulation

The Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency's (BMKG's) El Tari Kupang Meteorology Station Head, Agung ...

Realisation of national recovery programme reaches Rp533.6 trillion

The Indonesian Government spent Rp533.6 trillion (US$37.3 billion), or 71.6 percent of the total budgeted Rp744.7 ...

BMKG records 75 aftershocks following Sorong's 5.3-magnitude quake

The Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) recorded at least 75 aftershocks following an earthquake of ...

Realization of West Papua mangrove plantation target reaches 80%: BRGM

The national Peatland and Mangrove Restoration Agency (BRGM) has informed that the realization of mangrove plantation ...

Strong winds damaged 28 homes in West Papua's Sorong: BPBD

Strong winds on Wednesday damaged 28 homes in Sorong city, West Papua, the city's Disaster Mitigation Agency (BPBD) ...

Liyangan site portrays ancient society's adaptability to nature

The 2021 Liyangan Civilization House will showcase the knowledge of how ancient society adapted to nature and faced ...

13 million MSMEs using QRIS: Bank Indonesia

The number of micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) adopting the Quick Response Indonesia Standard (QRIS) in the ...

BI launches digital payments at W Papua traditional market

The Bank Indonesia (BI) Representative Office in West Papua launched the SIAP QRIS (Healthy, Innovative, and Safe to be ...

Home Minister rebukes regions with low budget realization

Home Affairs Minister Muhammad Tito Karnavian has reprimanded a number of regional governments over the low realization ...