
Collection of sorong news, found 624 news.

Navy sends aircraft for stranded Vivie Rae II in Arafura Sea

The Indonesian Navy (TNI AL) has deployed an aircraft to check on the condition of the passenger vessel KM Vivie Rae II ...

Police chief highlights importance of disaster risk management

National Police Chief Listyo Sigit Prabowo has asked stakeholders taking part in national disaster mitigation efforts ...

Fulfilling Papuans' quest for development

The reorganization and expansion of Papua’s administrative area to carve out six new provinces are a part of the ...

Seven aftershocks occurred following M7.5 quake in Maluku: BMKG

The Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics Agency's (BMKG's) Ambon Geophysics Station recorded seven ...

Ministry provides general allocation funds for West, Southwest Papua

The Finance Ministry has provided general allocation funds (DAU) of Rp370.80 billion for provinces, districts, and ...

Papua's Biak port gets one more ship to handle holiday rush

The Transportation Ministry and state-owned shipping company PT Pelni have pressed one more ship, KM Labobar, into ...

Home Ministry bestows awards to innovative local governments

The Home Affairs Ministry handed out the “Innovative Government Award (IGA) 2022” here on Friday to a ...

Pelni predicts 40% increase in ferry passengers leaving Tanjung Priok

State-run ferry operator PT Pelayaran Nasional Indonesia (PT Pelni) has estimated a 40-percent year-on-year (yoy) ...

Jokowi officially inaugurates Admiral Margono as TNI commander

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) officially inaugurated Admiral Yudo Margono as Commander of the Indonesian Defense ...

BPD Papua suspends operations in Puncak following employee's killing

The regional development lender Bank Pembangunan Daerah (BPD) Papua suspended its operational activities in Puncak ...

Armed Papuan terrorist killed BPD Papua's employee: Military

An armed Papuan separatist terrorist operating in Sinak Sub-district, Puncak District, Papua Tengah Province, killed an ...

Papua remains one despite establishment of new provinces: VP

Papua remains home to a single cultural community although its area has been split into the provinces of Papua, West ...

Ministry supports Sail Tidore through air transportation connectivity

Directorate General of Civil Aviation at the Transportation Ministry supported the connectivity and accessibility of ...

SAR confirms Dutch-flagged vessel lost contact in Sorong waters

Dutch-flagged sailing vessel, Dulce, reportedly lost contact in the Seget waters of Sorong District, West Papua ...

Sorong city gov't distributes 1,332 fuel vouchers to affected drivers

The Sorong city administration handed out fuel vouchers to 1,022 "ojek" (motorcycle-taxi) drivers and 310 ...