#south china sea disputes

Collection of south china sea disputes news, found 34 news.

Indonesia sees relations with China as very close: BRIN

The Indonesian government sees its relations with China as very close, based on a survey of the Indo-Pacific by the ...

Indonesia, China discuss defense cooperation in Beijing

Indonesia's Defense Minister Sjafrie Sjamsoeddin discussed cooperation in the field of defense with his Chinese ...

Indonesia adheres to UNCLOS in addressing South China Sea disputes

Foreign Affairs Minister Sugiono stated that Indonesia consistently adhered to prevailing international law, including ...

Indonesia suggests direct communication on South China Sea dispute

Indonesian Vice President Ma'ruf Amin proposed the reactivation of direct communication between high-ranking ASEAN ...

Indonesia's role in resolving South China Sea disputes

As one of the largest countries in Asia, Indonesia—without a doubt—must participate in resolving the ...

Ganjar proposes invincible ID card for people with disabilities

Indonesian Presidential Candidate Ganjar Pranowo said that the presence of an invincible identity card (KTP Sakti) ...

Ganjar says developing civilization should start with three aspects

Presidential candidate Ganjar Pranowo presented his plan for developing Indonesian civilization, which should start ...

VP Ma'ruf Amin calls on public to support, respect elected leaders

Vice President Ma'ruf Amin urged all citizens of Indonesia to support and respect whoever emerged victorious in the ...

Candidates failed showing how to respond to superpowers' rivalry: CSIS

A CSIS researcher said she regretted Sunday's presidential debate that failed to reveal how Indonesia's foreign ...

Ganjar offers three solutions to handle South China Sea disputes

Presidential candidate number 3 Ganjar Pranowo proposed three solutions to resolve disputes plaguing the South China ...

Indonesia satisfied with results of ASEAN Summit

Indonesia said it was satisfied with the outcomes of the 32nd ASEAN Summit that was held in Singapore from April 27 to ...

Indonesia wants to stay away from South China Sea conflicts

Coordinating Minister for Law Security and Political Affairs Wiranto has said Indonesia does not want to be involved ...

Indonesia, Singapore should encourage conflicting parties to solve South China Sea dispute

Indonesia and Singapore can take the initiative to encourage countries involved in the South China Sea dispute to sit ...

South China Sea challenges ASEAN at 50

The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) celebrates its 50th anniversary this year. During the five decades ...

Indonesia, US working together to maintain peace, stability in South China Sea

The government of Indonesia and the United States agreed to cooperate to maintain peace and stability in the region ...