
Collection of speedboat news, found 88 news.

Two drug smugglers arrested and deported from Malaysia

Two persons identified as Samsul Bahti and Maman Nurmansyah were arrested and deported from Malaysia for allegedly ...

BI to invite OIC members to Lombok

Bank Indonesia (BI) will invite delegates of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) who are attending the ...

Questioning Malaysia`s commitment to fighting drugs

Over the past two months, officers of the Indonesian police, navy, and National Narcotics Agency (BNN) have repeatedly ...

Indonesian Navy foils attempt to smuggle crystal meth from Malaysia

The Indonesian Navy`s Western Fleet Quick Response Unit in Lhokseumawe, Aceh Province, thwarted an attempt to smuggle ...

Navy seizes nearly 2 tons of cocaine in S. Mexico

Mexico`s Navy has seized 1.8 tons of cocaine from a boat off the coast of southern Guerrero state, the Naval Ministry ...

CNN introduces six hidden beaches of Bali

The CNN media from the United States has introduced six beautiful hidden beaches in Bali through news broadcast on ...

Improving security at Komodo National Park

Efforts to improve security of Komodo National Park tourist area in West Manggarai District, East Nusa Tenggara ...

Naval base foils attempt to smuggle 3.1kg of crystal meth

The Tanjungpinang Naval Base IV in Riau Islands province has foiled an attempt to smuggle 3.14 kilograms of crystal ...

Tourists to Raja Ampat must pay additional fee

Local as well as foreign tourists visiting the tourism attractions of Raja Ampat in West Papua Province are required ...

Police foils attempt to smuggle 1,300 birds in Batam

The Water Police of Riau Islands on Tuesday foiled an attempt to smuggle around 1,300 birds of magpie family from ...

Indonesian minister urges ship owners to improve security

Foreign Affairs Minister Retno LP Marsudi has urged Eastern Sabah Security Command (ESSCom) and the association of ...

Two ri`s fishermen abducted in Sabah, six safe

Indonesian Foreign Ministry has urged the countrys ship crew in the waters of Sabah, Malaysia not to go fishing until ...

President Jokowi visits Samosir island

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) visited Samosir District, an island located in the middle of Lake Toba, North Sumatra, ...

Malaysian drug trafficker gunned down trying to escape

Lew Keng Wah, a Malaysian drug trafficker, was gunned down when he grabbed a gun from an Indonesian police officer ...

Drugs agency arrests three couriers carrying 80 kgs of methamphetamine

Personnel of the National Drugs Agency have arrested three couriers carrying some 80 kilograms of methamphetamine and ...