
Collection of stabilization news, found 311 news.

United Nations gives award to Indonesia`s Peace Corps contingent

The United Nations (UN) has given an award to the Indonesian Peace Corps contingent (also known as the Garuda ...

Indonesia to dispatch peace-keeping forces to Congo

The Indonesian Defence Forces (TNI) will dispatch 175 soldiers in December 2012 to join the peace-keeping forces in ...

Indonesia provided with US$5 billion stand-by loans

Indonesia has secured commitment for US$5 billion stand-by loans from international parties to anticipate budget ...

Three factors to protect economic growth: finance ministry

Vice Minister for Finance Anny Ratnawati has identified three main factors that can protect Indonesia`s economic ...

TNI assigns six officers to join UN monitoring team in Syria

The National Defense Forces (TNI) is to send six of its officers to join the UN team to monitor the implementation of ...

BI: Economic growth not affected by fuel price issue

Bank Indonesia`s board of governors predict Indonesia`s economy will still grow relatively high, in spite of the risk ...

UN to add more women to its peacekeeping missions

Visiting UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon has committed himself to encouraging the participation of women in UN ...

Ban Ki-moon presents blue helmet to Yudhoyono

United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon presented a blue helmet to President Susilo Yudhoyono as a symbol of ...

Ban Ki-moon to discuss RI`s peacekeeping troops with Yudhoyono

UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon will hold talks with President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono on UN ties with Indonesia, ...

Govt hails Moody`s debt rating upgrade

Indonesia hails Moody`s decision to raise its debt rating from Ba1 to Baa3 with a stable outlook, a finance ministry ...

Kenya optimistic for Somali peace prospects in 2012

With a series of international peace conferences planned to boost peace and stabilization efforts in Somalia, Kenya`s ...

RI gearing up for bigger role in UN peacekeeping missions

Indonesia which has been participating in UN peacekeeping missions since 1957, is now seeking a bigger role and ...

House passes 2012 state budget bill

The House of Representatives (DPR) on Friday passed the 2012 state budget bill into law. "I hail and am glad ...

Australian defence materiel minister to visit troops in Timor-Leste

Australian Defense Materiel Minister, Jason Clare would depart for Timor-Leste on Monday to visit Australian troops ...

news focus: France to propose int`l monetary system reform at G20 summit

Reforming the international monetary system will rank highly on the list of topics France intends to bring up at this ...