#state budget allocation

Collection of state budget allocation news, found 30 news.

Ministries, agencies should cooperate to secure state's waters: KSP

Chief of the Presidential Staff Office (KSP) Moeldoko urged ministries and agencies to work together in protecting the ...

Ministry to import 3 million foot-and-mouth disease vaccine doses

The Ministry of Agriculture will import 3 million vaccine doses for foot-and-mouth disease (FMD), which are expected to ...

Strong manufacturing PMI indicative of continued recovery: Ministry

Head of the Fiscal Policy Agency of the Finance Ministry Febrio Kacaribu assessed that the Purchasing Managers' ...

Vaccination, health protocols crucial for economic recovery: Indrawati

Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati has said that disciplined implementation of health protocols and vaccination ...

Govt discusses U-20 World Cup 2021 preparations following cancellation

The government will discuss the continuation of preparations for the U-20 World Cup 2021 to be hosted by Indonesia ...

Ministry backs local content certification of pharmaceutical products

The Industry Ministry will support certification for the local content level (TKDN) of pharmaceutical products and ...

HRD is government`s next priority program

After focusing on massive development of the country`s infrastructure over the past four years, President Joko Widodo ...

Government sets priority to develop human resources

The government has set a development priority to improve human resources in the coming five years, a senior minister ...

BP Batam dissolution not to affect state-funded projects

The central government and the House of Representatives (DPR) have assigned more than Rp1 trillion in the state budget ...

Gerindra rejects govt`s fuel oil price hike plan

The Greater Indonesia Movement (Gerindra) Party faction in parliament rejects the government`s plan to raise the fuel ...

news focus: govt to step up socio-economic approach toward Papua

Poverty and perceived injustices are believed to be among the problems triggering violence from time to time in ...

Infrastructures need more funds for economic expansion

Despite President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono`s efforts over the past two years to increase the state budget allocation ...

Mamuju district to increase national cocoa production

Having an extensive area of cocoa plantations, Mamuju district in West Sulawesi has the capability to improve national ...

Nazaruddin`s repatriation must be done transparently

The repatriation and escorting of Muhammad Nazaruddin from Colombia to Indonesia must be carried out openly to ...

Inflation to weaken people`s purchasing power

Despite predictions that the country`s economic growth may reach seven percent or over this year, the upward trend in ...