
Collection of steam news, found 387 news.

Indonesia's foreign debt recorded at US$415.6 billion in Q1: BI

Indonesia's foreign debt until the first quarter (Q1) end of 2021 reached US$415.6 billion, or decreased 0.4 ...

Indonesia banking on solar power to boost renewable energy generation

Indonesia plans to increase the share of renewable energy in its energy mix through several strategies, including ...

Indonesia's foreign debt swells 4% to $422.6 bln in Feb

Indonesia’s foreign debt reached US$422.6 billion in February, an increase of 4 percent year-on-year (yoy), Bank ...

Games industry reflects on and recommits to #PlayApartTogether campaign at one year milestone

Today, leaders from the global games industry who participated in #PlayApartTogether committed to reactivate the ...

Over 10.2 million Indonesians vaccinated: govt

Indonesian Muslims welcomed the fasting month of Ramadhan on Tuesday even as the national vaccination program continued ...

PW Power Systems will now be Mitsubishi Power Aero, signifying greater integration of the companies

Today, PW Power Systems officially changed its name to Mitsubishi Power Aero. Adopting the Mitsubishi Power brand is ...

Need GeNose in factories to revive economic activity: minister

GeNose C-19, a COVID-19 breathalyzer developed by the University of Gadjah Mada, needs to be installed at factories and ...

Indonesia's foreign debts at Jan-end 2021 reached US$420.7 billion

Indonesia's external debts at January-end of 2021 reached US$420.7 billion comprising US$213.6 billion of the ...

Zynga teams up with Girls Who Code to help raise awareness and support for women in tech

Zynga Inc. (Nasdaq: ZNGA), a global leader in interactive entertainment, today announced that it has teamed up with ...

Indonesia's foreign debt recorded at US$417.5 billion in Q4 2020

end reached US$417.5 billion comprising government and central bank debt of US$209.2 billion and private sector debt, ...

Mitsubishi Power receives order for facility upgrade at the Makban Geothermal Power Plant in the Philippines

Mitsubishi Power, a subsidiary of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI) Group, has received an order for the facility ...

Indonesia's external debt stands at US$408.5 billion in third quarter

Indonesia's foreign debt reached US$408.5 billion, comprising public sector external debt, raised by the government ...

Pertamina, PLN synergize to build energy research center

State-owned oil company Pertamina has synergized with state-owned electricity company PLN to build an energy research ...

PLN offers to supply electricity, steam to Pertamina's Rokan Block

State-owned electricity company PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN) submitted its initial offering to supply electricity ...

PGN ready to channel gas to Tambak Lorok power plant

State-owned gas company PT Perusahaan Gas Negara (PGN), through its subsidiary Saka Energy Muriah Ltd, is ready to ...