#stock market

Collection of stock market news, found 276 news.

VP officially opens stock trading in 2013

Vice President Boediono officially opened the first day of stock trading in 2013 at the Indonesia Stock Exchange here ...

Indonesian stock market performing well: Official

The Capital Market and Financial Institution Supervisory Agency has announced that the Indonesian stock market ...

IHSG rises 15.22 points in Tuesday`s market

The composite stock price index (IHSG) of the Indonesian stock exchange (BEI) opened 15.22 points higher on Tuesday, ...

Telefonica and Microsoft to Deploy New Global Video Platform

- Telefonica Digital and Microsoft Corp. today announced a multiyear strategic agreement to create a new Global Video ...

IHSG rises 6.58 points in Wednesday`s market

The composite stock price index (IHSG) of the Indonesian stock exchange (BEI) opened 6.58 points higher on Wednesday, ...

BEI: Inflows of foreign funds predicted to remain strong

The Indonesian Stock Exchange (BEI) predicted the inflows of foreign funds into the country`s stock market, will ...

FOREX CLUB: Kazakhstan's Economy Expected to Grow by 6% in 2013

-             - The rate of inflation is expected to hit 7% by ...

Updated MetaTrader 5 for Android - Now With the Full Set of Technical Indicators

-     Today MetaQuotes Software Corp. [http://www.metaquotes.net ] has released the latest version ...

RI must brace for economic crisis

Indonesia must be prepared to face the consequences of a global economic meltdown that might be triggered by the ...

Alternative Investment Opportunities for Pension Savings in Russian Federation & CIS

-     * Infrastructure projects offer alternative investment opportunities     ...

MetaTrader 5 Trading Platform Certified by the Largest Brazilian Exchange BM&FBOVESPA

-     Today MetaQuotes Software Corp. [http://www.metaquotes.net ] has received the official ...

Aspen Research Group, owner of the highly acclaimed stock analysis software, “Aspen Graphics,”

-     Aspen Research Group, creator of the world-leading “Aspen Graphics” family of ...

Indonesia mulling over single time zone

In October 1928, a group of young men from several islands together made a pledge they would be united under one ...

Portuguese President to promote relations with Indonesia

Portuguese President Anibal Cavaco Silva is expected to promote his country's potentials to the Indonesian government ...

President opens 2012 indonesian trade exchange

Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono opened the first trade in 2012 at the Indonesian Stock Exchange (IDX) ...