A constitutional fight over ailing President Hugo Chavez`s status intensified Tuesday with the government planning a ...
The death of a girl hit by celebratory gunfire on New Year`s Eve sparked calls Thursday for stricter gun controls in ...
Unlike previous New Year Eves, when Damascenes used to flock to the capital`s overcrowded streets with fireworks of ...
Greece welcomed the New Year with wishes for a swift exit from the severe debt crisis which has brought hardship to ...
The main roads of Jakarta, starting from the Medan Merdeka Barat street (in front of the National Monument), Thamrin ...
The National Police Headquarters will give top priority to the capital city of Jakarta in its efforts to ensure ...
Bengkulu recorded growing number of cases of rabies, the city agriculture and animal husbandry office said. So ...
Mexico's new President Enrique Pena Nieto pledged Saturday to reduce the poverty and violence plaguing his country ...
The 46-year-old Palestinian doctor Majdi Na`eim was on duty in the emergency room at Shiffa Hospital in Gaza city when ...
- Zimmermann, the Australia-based fashion and lifestyle brand known for its stylish ready-to-wear and chic swim ...
The traditional vehicles of Indonesia, popularly known as "becaks", which are basically pedicabs or tricycles, are ...
Palestinian leader Mahmud Abbas has denied giving up on the refugees` right of return, saying remarks about not ...
Manpower and Transmigration Minister Muhaimin Iskandar has said the increase in Indonesian labourers` minimum regional ...
Employers in the country have urged the government to take action against outsourcing service companies that are not ...
Thousands of workers took to the streets in many parts of the country on Wednesday to demand among other things ...