
Collection of structure news, found 1.408 news.

Nickel, electric battery industry development can boost economy: Citi

The development of the export-oriented nickel and electric car battery industry in Indonesia has the potential to ...

The Pinglu Canal will contribute to the strengthening of even closer China-ASEAN community of common destiny

In the first three quarters of this year, total trade between China and ASEAN has reached RMB 4.7 trillion, an ...

Opportunity to escape middle-income trap until 2035: ministry

Indonesia’s window for escaping the middle-income trap will remain open only until 2035, a member of the ...

BRIN, archaeologist studying recently unearthed temple site in Batang

The National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) is collaborating with French archaeologist Veronique de Groot to ...

Commemorating Republic Day, Kazakhstan's flag colors shine on Monas

Spotlights in the colors of Kazakhstan's flag shine on the National Monument (Monas) in Jakarta on Tuesday (Oct 25) ...

West Bandung falls in medium earthquake-prone area category: PVMBG

The Energy and Mineral Resources Ministry's Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation (PVMBG) said ...

KSP reiterates need for strengthening Commission for Disability

The Presidential Staff Office (KSP) emphasized the need to institutionally strengthen the National Commission for ...

Repairing school alongside preserving cultural heritage in Yogyakarta

The proverb of "kill two birds with one stone" aptly describes the efforts of the Yogyakarta city government ...

BI again raises key rate by 50 bps to 4.75%

Bank Indonesia (BI) on Thursday raised its key rate by 50 basis points (bps) to 4.75 percent from 4.25 percent a month ...

Bogor city gets Rp250 mln from BNPB for disaster handling

The National Disaster Mitigation Agency (BNPB) has provided ready-to-use fund assistance (DSP) of Rp250 million to ...

Minister accentuates importance of reforming national legal system

Law and Human Rights Minister Yasonna H. Laoly stressed the importance of reforming the legal system to bolster the ...

Ministry to prioritize reviewing stadiums that draw large crowds

The Indonesian government will prioritize reviewing football stadiums used by clubs that have a lot of supporters, ...

South Sulawesi promotes use of local products to curb inflation

The provincial government of South Sulawesi is focusing on promoting the use of local products as part of efforts to ...

Kanjuruhan fact-finding team obtains more inputs from various parties

The joint independent fact-finding team for the Kanjuruhan Stadium tragedy is still investigating the incident by ...

Ministry supports bolstering pharmaceutical cooperation with Japan

The Industry Ministry  supports the strengthening of cooperation in pharmaceutical and medical device industries ...