#subang west java

Collection of subang west java news, found 67 news.

Diesel supply to Jakarta secured despite pipeline explosion

State-owned oil company PT Pertamina announced that Jakartas diesel supply is still secure despite oil pipeline ...

Malaysia-China joint venture to invest big in farm sector

The Amarak Group, which is owned by Malaysian and Chinese investors, plans to invest up to US$5 billion in rice and ...

China to expand cement factories in Indonesia

Chinese investors are expected to expand their cement factories in Indonesia in order to increase the country`s annual ...

RI building high energetic materials center

Indonesia is building a high energetic material center in the compound of PT Dahana in Subang, West Java, to meet ...

Maid returns home after escaping Saudi execution

An Indonesian maid who was sentenced to death in Saudi Arabia for killing her employer`s brother has finally returned ...

Govt finally stops migrant workers dispatch to S Arabia

The government has finally decided to impose a moratorium on the dispatch of migrant workers (TKI) to Saudi Arabia ...

House approves use of Rp4.6 billion to free Darsem

The House of Representatives (DPR)`s Commission on foreign affairs has approved a budget of Rp4.6 billion to pay a ...