#subsidized fertilizer

Collection of subsidized fertilizer news, found 75 news.

PT Pupuk Indonesia guarantees stock safety ahead of planting season

PT Pupuk Indonesia (fertlizer company) has guaranteed that fertilizer stocks are safe ahead of the planting season ...

Indonesia has sufficient rice stock: Official

The Ministry of Agriculture claimed that Indonesia does not need to import rice as the domestic stock of 3 million ...

Govt to raise allocation of subsidized fertilizers

The Agriculture Ministry plans to raise the allocation of subsidized fertilizers this year which stands at 9.5 million ...

Indonesian govt to boost development of fertlizer industry

Indonesian farmers need some 14 million tons of subsidized fertilizers annually, whereas the governments allocation ...

Pusri channels 217 thousand tons of subsidized fertilizer

State-owned fertilizer firm PT Pupuk Sriwijaya (Pusri) has up to March this year channeled 217,122 tons of subsidized ...

Bali government allocates Rp4 billion in subsidies for organic fertilizers

The Bali provincial government has allocated Rp4 billion in subsidies for organic fertilizers in an effort to increase ...

Fertilizer stocks more than enough in W Java

Producer assured farmers that stocks of urea fertilizer are more than enough for West Java for the planting season ...

Pusri`s fertilizer sales fall short of target

Sales of subsidized urea fertilizer by PT Pupuk Sriwidjaja (PUSRI) to nine provinces totaled only 83 percent of the ...

Pusri distributes 794,000 tons of subsidized urea fertilizer

State fertilizer company PT Pupuk Sriwijaya (Pusri) distributed 794,453 tons of subsidized urea fertilizer among ...

Central govt decides fertilizer quota

The central government will decide subsidized fertilizer quota for each region in the country while state-owned ...

Fertilizer price hikes posing problem to farmers

The 12.5 percent rise in the highest retail price (HET) of subsidized urea fertilizer per January 1, 2012 from Rp1,600 ...

Subsidized fertilizers to have color to prevent abuses

Subsidized fertilizers will this year be given a pink color in an effort to prevent abuses, National Outstanding ...

Pusri guarantees sufficient supply of subsidized fertilizer in Bengkulu

Fertilizer company PT Pusri guarantees sufficient supply of subsidized fertilizer for farmers in Bengkulu province, a ...

Pusri to increase subsidized fertilizer stocks in Bengkulu

State fertilizer company PT Pusri plans to increase its subsidized urea fertilizer stocks in Bengkulu province to ...

AGO to explain Bojonegoro prisoner swaps

The Attorney General`s Office (AGO) plans to disclose the results of its investigation into alleged prisoner swaps in ...