The government has issued a list and announced the total number of 188 passengers of sunken Sinar Bangun Motor ...
Three helicopters along with several boats and ships were deployed, Tuesday, to look for over 100 passengers, who went ...
Minister of Social Idrus Marham said there were five messages from President Joko Widodo that must be delivered to the ...
Scan sonar has detected objects in two locations at a depth of 490 meters in Lake Toba in North Sumatra on Sunday ...
The Search and Rescue Agency is utilizing a sonar scanning device to search for victims of Sinar Bangun Motor Vessel ...
The Indonesian Navy began operating a sonar scanner to search for the Sinar Bangun motorboat that sank in the waters ...
The Transport Ministry said it will provide five units of roll-on and roll-off ship for operation in Lake Toba, North ...
The Search and Rescue (SAR) Agency recorded that a total of 206 passengers were aboard the MV Sinar Bangun that sank ...
The Sinar Bangun passenger ship, which set sail from the Simanindo port in Samosir District and was steaming towards ...
Directorate General of Land Transportation Ministry of Indonesia Budi Setiyadi headed a meeting to form five teams for ...
The Search and Rescue (SAR) team in Simalungun District, North Sumatra, will continue searching for the victims of ...
Meet Dr Norman Gary Finkelstein, 64, an American political scientist, activist, professor, author, and Jewish. ...
Indonesian President Joko Widodo has condemned the bombing and shooting attack that wounded more than 200 people in ...
- Sharjah, the third largest of the United Arab Emirate's seven emirates, was the host for the MENA region's first ever ...
At least 216 people have been killed after a powerful earthquake hit central Mexico on Tuesday, with the death toll ...