Australian airline Qantas said Tuesday it would continue flying over Iraqi airspace, despite alliance partner Emirates ...
The Norwegian anti-terror police on Thursday said they had been informed of a planned terrorist attack against the ...
Israeli warplanes struck three administrative and military targets in Syrias Golan at dawn on Tuesday, killing two ...
Russia will most probably extend former U.S. intelligence contractor Edward Snowdens temporary asylum on the ...
Following an apology through its news site, The Jakarta Post has officially offered an apology through its edition on ...
Sunni militants advanced in western Iraq and killed 21 people after security forces left several towns, while Americas ...
Sunni militants advanced in western Iraq and killed 21 people after security forces left several towns, while Americas ...
British foreign secretary William Hague and United Nations special envoy Angelina Jolie on Wednesday launched a new ...
General Chairman of the Indonesian Council of Ulemas (MUI) Din Syamsuddin said it was too much to liken the upcoming ...
Leaders of the Group of Seven powers agreed Thursday to act jointly against the risk of terror attacks by European ...
The United States on Tuesday denounced Syrian leader Bashar Al-Assads attempt to shore up his authority by staging ...
Many countries, including Indonesia, reacted to another preliminary mass death sentence handed by a court in Egypt, ...
Pope Francis called for launching peace initiatives in Syria, Ukraine, Africa and Venezuela, elaborating on the ...
Mortar rounds fired on schools in the Syrian capital on Tuesday killed a child and wounded more than 40 people, among ...
A political observer accused US Ambassador Robert O Blake of seeking to implant US influence on Indonesian ...