
Collection of television news, found 1.450 news.

Russian passport in hand, Depardieu heads to Switzerland

French actor Gerard Depardieu, fresh from a rapturous welcome in Russia, flew to Switzerland to attend one of ...

Julia Roberts to star in HBO film on early AIDS epidemic

Julia Roberts will star as a paraplegic physician treating patients early in the AIDS epidemic in the stage-to-screen ...

Libya confirms Gaddafi son`s trial in February

Saif al-Islam, the second son of Libya's late leader Muammar Gaddafi, will go on trial within the next month, Justice ...

Indonesia wins award at Pasadena Rose Parade

Indonesia has won the "President`s Trophy" at the Pasadena Rose Parade in California, which features 41 floats ...

Fiscal cliff deal looks so-so for U.S businesses on taxes

The "fiscal cliff" deal that slowly, painfully took shape in the U.S. Congress in recent days fulfills some of ...

60 die in new year`s eve stampede in Abidjan

More than 200 casualties including at least 60 deaths were caused in a stampede on New Year`s Eve in Abidjan, the ...

Reuters tv cameraman wounded in Syiria

A Reuters television cameraman was shot in the leg and wounded while filming on the front line in Syria`s northern ...

Egypt says detains Israeli army officer in Sinai

Egyptian security forces have detained an Israeli army officer in the Taba region of the Sinai peninsula after he ...

North Korea confirms arrest of US citizen

North Korea confirmed Friday that it had arrested a US citizen in November, saying he had admitted to unspecified ...

Iraq President heads to Germany for treatment

Ailing Iraqi President Jalal Talabani left for Germany on Thursday for further treatment after suffering a reported ...

No Indonesian citizens among victims in U.S. school shooting

Jakarta (ANTARA News) The Foreign Affairs Ministry has said there were no Indonesian citizens among the victims of the ...

Two Indonesian film makers head to Australia

Two young Indonesian film makers, Dwi Sujanti Nugraheni (36) from Yogyakarta and Chairun Nissa (28) from Jakarta, will ...

"turn that down!" US TV ads ordered to lower volume

In the end it took an act of Congress, but US television advertisers are finally required to do something parents have ...

World Renowned Scientist, Dr. Rongxiang Xu Speaks Out About Nobel Assembly Statement

- Dr. Rongxiang Xu, the founder of "human body regenerative restoration science" and a renowned life scientist and ...

Obama recognizes Syrian opposition

The United States has decided formally to recognize the Syrian opposition rebel coalition that is fighting to topple ...