#the end of this year

Collection of the end of this year news, found 1.430 news.

Floods swamp residential areas in Bekasi

Flood waters reaching a height of up to 1.9 meters swamped several residential areas located on river banks connecting ...

News Focus

Indonesia braces for La Nina-induced hydrometeorological disasters

The onset of monsoons in most Indonesian regions in September have also triggered flooding in several provinces, ...

The First 366 Days of Jokowi-Ma'ruf

Government opens fair energy access for residents of remote areas

The government successfully opened fair access to energy for the public, especially the residents of remote and ...

Preclinical testing of Red and White vaccine likely in Nov: Eijkman

- if everything goes well — so that it will be finished at the end of the year, and early in the year of 2021, it ...

Social Affair Ministry readies 39,000 volunteers to anticipate La Nina

The Social Affairs Ministry has readied nearly 39 thousand volunteers as a precautionary measure to address the impact ...

BI Governor pushes state spending for supporting MSME production

Governor of Bank Indonesia, Perry Warjiyo, has urged state budget (APBN) and regional budget (APBD) spending, ...

Govt to release funds for incentives to paramedics soon

The National Committee for COVID-19 Handling and Economic Recovery (PC-PEN) has assured that the government will ...

News Focus

Indonesia fast tracks COVID-19 vaccine development

Almost every country in the world, including Indonesia, is racing against time to develop a vaccine of its own or ...

News Focus

In push for mass immunization, frontline warriors prioritized

As many as 111 doctors, including specialists, have succumbed to the novel coronavirus as of September 11, 2020 in the ...

News Feature

Five Mountains Festival: Solemn prayer for safety during pandemic

With the sun beaming brightly, wind blowing gently, and birds chirping merrily, nothing seemed out-of-the-ordinary that ...

Committee highlights two schemes for COVID-19 mass vaccination program

Head of the COVID-19 Handling and National Economic Recovery Committee (KPCPEN) Erick Thohir put forth a suggestion of ...

Indonesia to obtain 30 million COVID-19 vaccine doses at 2020-end

COVID-19 Handling and National Economic Recovery Committee (KPCPEN) Head Erick Thohir revealed that Indonesia will ...

Indigenous vaccine development team should work swiftly: Jokowi

Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has urged the Red and White Vaccine Team to work at a swift pace to develop ...

Indonesia's oil lifting surpasses August target: SKK Migas

National oil lifting (ready-to-sell production) reached 706.9 thousand barrels of oil per day (bopd), as of August 31, ...

Govt to ensure social assistance distribution continues next year

President Joko Widodo’s administration is working to ensure that the distribution of social assistance, as part ...