#the end of this year

Collection of the end of this year news, found 1.430 news.

Jakarta index down, rupiah stable

The Jakarta composite share price index extended loses on Wednesday morning to follow the regional trend. The ...

Rupiah declines again on Tuesday closing at Rp11,601

The Indonesian currency, the rupiah, declined again on Tuesday against the US dollar due to an absence of positive ...

Quiznos Finds Financial Foothold in Emerging Asian Markets

- Following its most recent International successes in Mexico, Russia, and the United Arab Emirates, Quiznos will bring ...

Indonesia Remains a Major Investment Destination

The Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) reported that total investments had jumped 23 percent year-on-year to top Rp ...

80 Afghan police killed every weks in `fighting season`

Nearly 80 Afghan police have died every week during the current fighting season, officials said Tuesday, as the ...

Raspberry Pi Infrared Camera Module Available from RS Components Shoots for New Applications

- RS Components (RS), the trading brand of Electrocomponents plc (LSE:ECM), the world's leading high service ...

Microphone bomb kills Afghan governor at Eid prayers

A bomb hidden in a microphone killed an Afghan provincial governor Tuesday as he made a speech at a mosque after Eid ...

Disaster agency to control rainfall end of this year

The National Disaster Mitigation Agency (BNPB) will control the level of rainfall in Jakarta between December and ...

Golkar looking for veep candidate among javanese

A Golkar Party executive said the party will be considering vice presidential candidates at the fourth national ...

APEC leaders meet in shadow of US shutdown

Asia-Pacific leaders convene on Monday for an annual economic summit in the shadow of global growth clouds that are ...

Garuda Indonesia Introduces "Inflight Connectivity" on B777-300ER Aircraft

Garuda Boeing Indonesia introduced "Inflight Connectivity" service on a commercial basis on board all the 777-300ER ...

Airbus delivers first A400m military transport plane - (d)

After years of delays and huge cost over-runs, Airbus on Monday delivers its first A400M military transport plane, ...

Indonesia hopes to be determiner of world`s tin price

Indonesia seeks to be the determiner of the world`s tin price, following the establishment of a national commodities ...

Economy to slow down in Q3: Finance Ministry

Indonesia`s economy is expected to grow by less than 5.8 percent during the third quarter, owing to weak consumption ...

Indonesian govt may not extend Masela Block`s concession

Energy observer Pri Agung Rahmanto said the government will break the law if it extends concession of Inpex Masela ...