#the finance ministry

Collection of the finance ministry news, found 1.510 news.

Indonesian minister optimistic tax amnesty bill debate to go smoothly

Finance Minister Bambang Brodjonegoro said he is optimistic debate on the tax amnesty bill would go smoothly that tax ...

Aceh-Pertamina sign Seulawah geothermal shareholder`s agreement

Perusahaan Daerah Pembangunan Aceh (PDPA) and PT Pertamina Geothermal Energy (PGE) have signed a Shareholders ...

Transportation ministry ready to take over LRT system

The Transportation Ministry is ready to take over the light rail transit (LRT) system in Jakarta, that was suspended ...

Indonesian govt on track to revitalize old markets

The government has kept its promise of renovating 5,000 traditional markets in the country in the next five years. ...

President encourages online businesses to become competitive

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has called on the countrys online businesses to compete with their foreign ...

Indonesia expects asset repatriation of Rp560 trillion

The Indonesian government is now submitting to the House a tax amnesty bill which, as per the countrys central bank, ...

80% of Indonesian names in Panama Paper confirmed: Teten

Chief of the presidential staff Teten Masduki said around 80 percent of Indonesian names in the leaked "Panama Papers" ...

Govt considering imposing excise duty on plastic packs

The Finance Ministry is considering imposing excise duty on plastic packs as part of its efforts to expand the number ...

Government prepares instruments to anticipate flow of repatriated funds

The government is readying financial market instruments to anticipate funds repatriated by tax payers abroad by ...

Access to credit card transactions needed to check taxpayers` profiles

Regulations are required to access taxpayers credit card transactions data, particularly of individual tax payers (WP ...

Govt to track taxpayers through registered cards

A legislator has proposed that the taxpayers numbers (NPWP) should be included in their identity cards (KTP) to make ...

Some 2,000 foreign companies pay no taxes

Some 2,000 foreign companies in Indonesia did not pay taxes in the past 10 years on the pretext of having suffered ...

Tax amnesty policy drawing attention of investors: Minister

Foreign and domestic investors are paying attention to the tax amnesty policy that the government is expected to ...

Indonesia launches Palapa optic fiber network project

The Indonesian government has launched the Rp1.28 trillion Palapa Western Ring Package optic fiber network service ...

Banks not being coerced into lowering deposit interest rates: Minister

The government will not coerce banks into lowering their deposit interest rates though these continue to be high as of ...