#the indonesia australian

Collection of the indonesia australian news, found 11 news.

Indonesia ready to welcome Australian tourists: Minister Uno

Indonesia is ready to welcome international tourists, especially from Australia to Bali, as the government has ...

Australia reiterates commitment to supporting Indonesian sovereignty

The Australian government is firmly committed to supporting the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Republic ...

Indonesia eyes Australian coffee market

Indonesian coffee producers have been eyeing Australian market to sell their commodity, by participating in the ...

House backs TNI`s decision to suspend cooperation with ADF

The House of Representatives Commission I, whose duties include foreign, defense, and information affairs, approved ...

Indonesian teachers to study education system in Australia

Hundreds of Indonesian teachers will participate in an educational program to study the Australian educational system ...

Australia, Indonesia partners since RI`s independence: Ambassador

The Australian Ambassador to Indonesia, Paul Grigson, has said Australia has been Indonesias partner since it ...

12 Australian companies ready to invest in Indonesia

The Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) has recorded that 12 Australian companies are interested in ...

Australia awaits decision on cow import quota from Indonesia

Australia is waiting for Indonesias decision on the import quota of cows for the rest of the year. "We are still ...

Australia supports RI focus on achieving MDGs

With three years until the world needs to meet the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), the Indonesian Government, ...

Australia increases development assistance to Indonesia

The Australian Government will increase its development assistance to Indonesia from Rp923 billion in 2010-2011 to ...

Australian award nomination to end In ten days

Australian Ambassador to Indonesia, Greg Moriarty, issued a final call for nominations for this year`s Australian ...