#the lungs of the world

Collection of the lungs of the world news, found 23 news.

RI seeking to form peat ecosystem body before climate meet

Indonesia is seeking to set up a Peatland Ecosystem Restoration Body after the peatlands in Sumatra and Kalimantan ...

PT Rimba Raya Conservation Dedicated to Recovering the Forest Conservation in Indonesia

- At the time when the condition of Indonesian forest hits the alerting level caused by the overexploitation committed ...

Iindonesia`s forests have passed through critical period

The forests in Indonesia have passed through a critical period when millions of hectares were destroyed per year in ...

news focus: heart of Borneo designated as "world`s lungs"

Kalimantan Island or also known as Borneo is host to a vast area of the country`s remaining tropical rainforests ...

Illegal logging to be discussed in climate change confab

Various issues related to illegal logging activities and forest monitoring will be discussed in the "Conference on the ...

Kalimantan forest areas hosting some of world`s lungs

Forest areas in Kalimantan island, including those in Banjar districts , are host to some of the lungs of the world, a ...

Papua`s tourism potentials the best in world

Chairman of the Jayapura Association of Indonesian Development Youths Hendrik Yance Udam said that the tourism ...

Oil palm plantations must not harm protected forests

Oil palm estates in Kapuas Hulu district, West Kalimantan province, have been urged not to damage protected and ...