#the pakistan

Collection of the pakistan news, found 1.370 news.

Indonesian students interest to study in Austria increases

The interest of Indonesian students to continue their studies at universities in Austria showed a tendency to increase ...

World Ocean Business Forum Marks Start Of World Coral Reel Conference

More than 400 participants from 24 countries attended the World Ocean Business Forum (WOBF) held in Manado, North ...

Indonesian government promotes blue economy

Indonesia is committed to preserving marine biodiversity and promoting marine resource investment based on innovation, ...

Government Promotes Blue Economy Based Investment

As one of the countries which are in the Coral Triangle area, Indonesia continues to strive to protect and manage the ...

Indonesia aims to be among the top ten peacekeeping contributors

Indonesia aims to become one of the top ten contributors of personnel to the UN peacekeeping force, asserted President ...

Pakistan journalism `under siege`, warns amnesty

Journalists in Pakistan are "under siege", Amnesty International warned Wednesday, living with the constant threat of ...

The 115th Canton Fair - Emerging Markets Now the Focus of Increased Purchasing Power

- The 115th Canton Fair opened with a high note in Phase 1, with a healthy 10% increase in overseas buyers' attendance. ...

Indonesia to address protection steps on irregular movement of persons

Indonesia will address protection steps on the irregular movement of persons during an international workshop that is ...

Pakistan rejects Musharraf`s request for getting treatment abroad

Pakistan on Wednesday rejected a request by former military President Pervez Musharraf to allow him to go abroad for ...

212 illegal immigrants stay in house detention in Medan

The 17 illegal immigrants from Palestine, who were arrested by officers, have increased the total occupants of the ...

Polio-like illness seen in up to 25 California children

A rare and mysterious polio-like illness may have afflicted up to 25 children in California, several of whom have ...

Indonesian BNN arrests Pakistani narcotic drug courier

The Indonesian National Drugs Agency (BNN) has arrested a Pakistani narcotic drug courier at Jakartas Soekarno-Hatta ...

Indonesia hopes for world palm oil price rise in 2014

The Indonesia Palm Oil Association hopes the world palm oil price will rise in the first quarter of this year, stated ...

An Indonesian Overstayed Worker`s Story Before Deportation

Her relieved smile suddenly colored her face, when one of the Indonesian Consulate General officers for Jeddah called ...

Sneak Peek of Indonesian Overstayers Deportation in Jeddah

Santi, a migrant worker from Sukabumi, Indonesia, is seen biting her lip while occasionally glancing at the Indonesian ...