Recognizing the constant threats to international peace and security, which include armed conflicts, terrorism acts, ...
Police released dentist Yuni Ardie (46) who was arrested along with Kam in Bima, West Nusa Tenggara, on April 13 after ...
Somalia has set a $500 award for anyone who captures or kills a militant from the al Qaeda-linked militant group of al ...
An air strike on an Al-Qaeda position near the southern Yemeni town of Loder killed six militants on Wednesday, the ...
Police anti-terror unit Densus 88 have again arrested four terrorist suspects in Purwakarta, West Java on Tuesday. ...
The National Police`s Densus 88 counter-terrorism unit arrested three terrorist suspects, identified by their initials ...
Suspected al-Qaida gunmen kidnapped a Yemeni government official in the southeastern province of Hadramout on Sunday ...
Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Moallem said on Tuesday that the Syrian government has pulled back troops from cities in ...
Syrian official news agency SANA said Monday`s shooting on the Lebanese-Syrian border that killed a cameraman of ...
The skyscraper being built on the site of New York City`s September 11, 2001 terrorist attack has reached 100 floors, ...
The Jakarta Metropolitan police suspect that the alleged terrorists arrested in Pondok Aren, South Tangerang, in the ...
Police have shot dead two suspected terrorists at Pondok Aren in the southwestern outskirts of Jakarta. "True, we ...
The UN Security Council on Thursday expressed concern over recent events in Yemen, where followers of former strongman ...
Russian forces on Tuesday killed a senior militant in the North Caucasus where radical groups are seeking to impose an ...
Russian President Dmitry Medvedev on Sunday departed for South Korea and India, where he will attend a nuclear summit ...