#the university of indonesia

Collection of the university of indonesia news, found 1.210 news.

Bogor Zoology Museum most complete in SE Asia

The museum of zoology, named Museum Zoologicum Bogoriense (MZB), under the Indonesian Science Institute (LIPI) ...

Three Indonesians receive Japanese awards

Three Indonesians received awards from the Japanese government for their contributions towards strengthening the ...

Oil, gas holding improves investment capacity: Indonesian official

Edwin Hidayat Abdullah, the Deputy of Energy Business at the State-owned Enterprises (SOEs) Ministry, said that ...

Ministry provides English course for lecturers

The Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education has provided English course for lecturers in an attempt to ...

WCF 2016: Embellish the world through the perspective of culture

- The collaborative dance performance between the participants of International Folk Dance Fetival (IFDF) and a number ...

Indonesia to be world`s role model on peace: VP Kalla

Vice President Jusuf Kalla believes that Indonesia can be the role model for other countries in pursuit of peace amid ...

Indonesian students to draw inspiration from nobel winners: VP Kalla

Vice President Jusuf Kalla has expressed the hope that Indonesian students will derive inspitration from Nobel winners ...

Jakarta bay reclamation to be hot topic in election campaign

Indonesias electorate is looking forward to a very exciting and fierce gubernatorial election campaign in Jakarta as ...

China donates hundreds of thousands of books to Al Azhar University in Jakarta

China donated hundreds of thousands of books to and opened a library at Al Azhar University of Indonesia on Tuesday ...

Involvement of youth in Sail Karimata Strait 2016

The annual international maritime event, Sail Indonesia, being dubbed as Sail Karimata Strait this year, is being ...

NGOs file letter of reprimand against minister over reclamation project

Several NGOs have issued a letter of reprimand against Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs Luhut Binsar ...

Indonesian MOFA`s anniversary: facing more dynamic regional, global challenges

When the founding fathers of the Republic of Indonesia declared the countrys independence from Dutch colonial masters ...

Cigarette price hike yet to be decided

The government is yet to take a decision on increasing the excise rate and sales price of cigarettes in the country as ...

Saving Indonesia`s future from the drug menace

The National Narcotic Agency has taken a 16-year-old teenager into custody for possession of 256.80 grams of ...

University of Indonesia best in int`l publication

The Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education declares the University of Indonesia (UI) as a higher ...