#tni personnel

Collection of tni personnel news, found 219 news.

ISIS has no place in Indonesia: Military Chief

The radical movement of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) has no place in Indonesia, Military Chief General ...

Terrorist group responsible for Poso violence: Police

The Santoso terrorist group who is hiding in Central Sulawesis Poso District, is responsible for violence in the ...

Military and police discover marijuana plantation in Aceh

A hectare of marijuana plantation has been discovered in a joint military (TNI.

Jakarta administration to involve military in Ciliwung River bank`s restoration

The Jakarta capital city administration will rope in military (TNI) personnel to restore the banks of the Ciliwung ...

Police ensure investment security in Batam

National Police Chief General Sutarman has ensured business security for present-day and prospective investors in ...

Police commission urges TNI-Polri team to focus on fuel mafia

The National Police Commission (Kompolnas) urged the joint investigation team comprising the Indonesian Police (Polri) ...

Defense minister pledges to form infantry brigade in N Kalimantan

Defense Minister Purnomo Yusgiantoro has pledged to station more Indonesian military (TNI) personnel in Nunukan ...

Many Islamic organizations against ISIS: chief security minister

Several Islamic mass organizations in Indonesia do not agree with the ideology of Islamic State of Iraq and Syria ...

Many Islamic organizations against ISIS: chief security minister

Many Islamic mass organizations in Indonesia do not agree with the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) ideology, ...

KPK plans to conduct surprise inspection at other public services

The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has been studying the possibilities of conducting surprise inspections at ...

TNI soldier wounded in ambush evacuated to Jayapura

An Indonesian Military (TNI) personnel, First Private Rohman, wounded in gunfire between the authorities and an armed ...

TNI soldier wounded in Pirime Papua`s gunfire incident

An Indonesian Military (TNI) personnel was wounded in gunfire between the authorities and an armed group in Pirime, ...

Komnas HAM sends team to Lanny Jaya

The Papua chapter of the National Commission on Human Rights (Komnas HAM) has sent a team to Tiom, Lanny Jaya ...

Two warships to patrol Bali waters to secure election

The naval base in Denpasar, Bali, is preparing two warships to patrol the waters around the island resort during the ...

TNI thwarts attempts to smuggle fuel oils to Timor Leste

Indonesian Military (TNI) personnel in the eastern Indonesian province of East Nusa Tenggara have foiled attempts to ...