#tourist attractions

Collection of tourist attractions news, found 704 news.

Tourism provides largest number of jobs: President

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has said that the tourism industry is the number one provider of jobs. "Tourism ...

100 athletes join World Paragliding Competition in C. Sulawesi

Around 100 athletes including from foreign countries are participating in the 3rd series of Paragliding Pre World ...

Lampung to host Krakatau Festival 2016

The Lampung provincial government, along with representatives from 15 districts and cities in the province, will host ...

Papua`s cultural diversity praiseworthy

The Baliem Valley Cultural Festival being held on August 8-10, 2016, in the Jayawijaya district area of Walesi had ...

Baliem Valley Festival showcases Papua`s tribal culture

Warriors of the Dani, Lani, and Yali tribes in Baliem Valley, Jayawijaya, Papua, usually engage in a mock war to ...

Some 200 foreign tourists attend Baliem festival

Some 200 foreign tourists are attending the 27th Baliem Valley Cultural Festival being held in Wamena, Walesi ...

Participants mesmerized by NTT`s charms during Sail Indonesia`s stopover

The exotic natural beauty and unique culture of East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) have charmed more than 100 foreign sailors ...

Transforming Way Kambas into leading tourist destination

East Lampung District Head Chusnunia Chalim has vowed to make the Way Kambas National Park (TNWK) a leading tourist ...

Infrastructure development in Raja Ampat

Developing the infrastructure, including extending the Marinda airport runway to boost tourism development in Raja ...

Samrat airport`s management encouraging tourism in North Sulawesi

The Sam Ratulangi (Samrat) International Airports management company PT Angkasa Pura-I in Manado is taking initiative ...

250 thousand tourists visit Gunung Kidul during Lebaran holidays

Around 250 thousand tourists visited numerous tourist attractions in Gunung Kidul District, Yogyakarta, in a week ...

East Lampung to develop 11 tourism attractions

The government of East Lampung District in Lampung Province, through the local Culture and Tourism Office, is making ...

Lampung holds huge appeal for international tourists

Holding a huge appeal for international tourists, the Indonesian province of Lampung is intensively promoting its ...

Tourist attractions are safe for Lebaran holidaymakers: Minister

The Indonesia Tourism Minister Arief Yahya made assurance that tourist attractions across Indonesia are safe for ...

North Maluku to build wildlife museum

The Aketajawe Lolobata National Park Authority in Tidore Kepulauan City, North Maluku Province, plans to build a ...