#trade balance

Collection of trade balance news, found 736 news.

Rupiah weakens following anxiety over global economic slowdown

The rupiah exchange rate, traded among banks in Jakarta on Monday morning, weakened by 11 points to Rp14,618, from ...

Optimism amid gloomy global economic condition by Citro Atmoko/A. Saragih

Optimism is strong that the country`s economic condition would continue to improve. The signs were quite obvious from ...

Year ender - Government poised to achieve salt self-sufficiency By Andi Abdussalam

The main problem that the government has been facing so far in the salt sector is increasing the production and market ...

Rupiah up 80 points to close at rp14,281 per dollar on Friday evening

The rupiah rose 80 points to close at Rp14,281 per dollar at the Jakarta inter-bank spot market on Friday evening ...

Government continues to promote palm oil

The Indonesian government continues to improve the quality of its palm oil products and expand markets to ...

News focus - Indonesia`s economy improves amid economic turbulence By Azis Kurmala

Global economic growth is flat and uneven, accompanied by widespread uncertainty blighting the global financial ...

Economic uncertainty feared to continue through 2019: Jokowi

President Joko Widodo said uncertainty besetting global economy is feared to continue through 2019. "The ...

Black campaigns against palm oil has to be stopped: Indef

An economic observer said the black campaigns against palm oil has to be stopped to prevent it from hurting the ...

Efforts to improve current account balance need years: minister

Chief Economic Minister Darmin Nasution said that efforts to improve the country`s current account balance, which is ...

Jokowi urges ministers to regularly evaluate policies on investment

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has called on cabinet ministers to conduct regular evaluations on policies in ...

Indonesia`s trade balance records US$1.82 billion deficit: BI

Executive Director of the Bank Indonesia (BI) Communication Department Agusman said that Indonesia`s trade balance ...

Potential for export to China opened wider: Trade minister

Indonesia`s participation in the China International Import Expo (CIIE) has opened a wider chance for Indonesia to ...

Oil and gas contribute to trade balance deficit: BPS

High import in the oil and gas sector is the main contributor to the country`s trade deficit in October 2018, reaching ...

News Focus : Indonesia`s interest in participating in trade exhibition in China by eliswa

Indonesia recently concluded its participation in the world`s largest import trade show "The 1st China ...

Bappenas stresses need to boost export to cover deficit

Minister of National Development Planning/head of the National Planning Board (Bappenas), Bambang Brodjonegoro, has ...