
Collection of trafficking news, found 1.525 news.

Police uncover int`l drug trafficking ring, arrest four suspects

Jakarta police have uncovered an international drug trafficking ring whose operations were controlled by an inmate of ...

RI to host Aspac reproductive, sexual health conference

Indonesia is expected to host the 6th Asia Pacific Conference on Reproductive and Sexual Health and Rights (6th ...

ASEAN to improve lives of women and children

ASEAN emphasized a Work Plan to improve the lives of women and children in its Third Meeting of the ASEAN Commission ...

Iran hangs four drug smugglers in prison

Iran has hanged four convicted drug traffickers in a prison in the southern city of Kerman, Shargh newspaper reported ...

E Nusa Tenggara hails workshops on maritime people smuggling

The East Nusa Tenggara administration and people hailed the holding of a series of workshops in Thailand, Malaysia ...

"We must be put trust in neighboring countries"

Vice President Boediono said building mutual confidence with neighboring states is an important key to state ...

Australia to deport three youths from Rote island

The Australian government will send home three teenagers from Rote Ndao caught by the Australian navy in Australian ...

Drug abuses have affected all villages in Indonesia

Besides big cities, drug trafficking in Indonesia has now affected all villages in the country, a social affairs ...

At least 41 killed as Mexico srambles in drug war

Mexican authorities sent in an extra 1,800 police Saturday to fight the country`s gruesome and deadly drug war, with ...

US must do more to halt Mexico violence: UN official

The United States must do its part to halt weapons trafficking and drug use behind some of Mexico`s violence and ...

Govt intensifying efforts to protect migrant workers

Things have been developing very fast regarding efforts to protect TKIs overseas, since the beheading of Ruyati, an ...

President: 200 Indonesians facing death penalty overseas

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono said 200 Indonesians were currently facing the death penalty overseas, with ...

RI, Timor Leste cooperating to keep border regions drug free

The police of Indonesia and Timor Leste are cooperating to prevent drug trafficking in regions along the two ...

Govt urged to tighten security along RI-PNG border

A number of prominent Papua community figures in Jayapura have urged the central government to tighten security in ...

RI, Mexico to cooperate against drug trafficking

The National Anti Drug Agency (BNN) is to cooperate with the Mexican government in fighting drug trafficking and ...