The province of West Java has long been known as one of the centers for creative development in Indonesia and arts ...
The Ministry of Agriculture has confirmed that domestic food production in 2021 sufficed the national food demand, so ...
President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has said he expects the increase in economic growth or gross domestic product (GDP) ...
The parliamentary bill to ratify the ASEAN agreement on e-commerce should include clauses ensuring product safety and ...
For some people, drinking coffee occupies an important part of the day and with their numbers increasing, the growing ...
Government spending is still required until 2022-end despite Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM) in Jakarta, Bogor, ...
House of Representatives (DPR RI) Speaker Puan Maharani has called on the government to evaluate the current ...
Immunization expert, Dr. Elizabeth Jane Soepardi, MPH DSc, urged people to not be picky in selecting vaccine brands and ...
Women's participation in electoral organisers should increase to ensure gender equality and better election ...
Sharia economy is the need of the future, chief economist of state-owned Islamic bank PT Bank Syariah Indonesia, ...
Bank Indonesia (BI) Governor Perry Warjiyo has said he is optimistic the Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC), or ...
The Indonesia Mining and Energy Forum (IMEF) has suggested the government to formulate a new roadmap for energy ...
Indonesia should expand development of Public Electric Vehicle Charging Stations (SPKLUs) to encourage innovations in ...
Indonesia recorded a trade surplus of $2.59 billion in July 2021, with exports valued at $17.70 billion and ...
The APEC region recorded an economic growth of 6.1 percent in the first quarter of 2021, bouncing back strongly from a ...