
Collection of troops news, found 1.560 news.

Jokowi receives timor leste president guterres

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) received an official visit of Timor Leste`s President Francisco Guterres Lu Olo at the ...

Last cruise of Sinar Bangun ship in Lake Toba

The Sinar Bangun passenger ship, which set sail from the Simanindo port in Samosir District and was steaming towards ...

Indonesia to hold trilateral exercise with philippines, malaysia

Indonesia will again hold a trilateral exercise with the Philippines and Malaysia in the border regions of the three ...

TNI AU to have eight fighter squadrons

The Indonesian Air Force (TNI AU) will have eight squadrons of fighter jets by 2024, according to the Air Force Chief ...

Jokowi welcomes PM Keqiang in Bogor

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) welcomed the arrival of Chinese Prime Minister Li Keqiang at the Bogor Presidential ...

Women, youths among Palestinian fighters participating in Great Return March

Aya Abeid, a seemingly fearless 18-year-old Palestinian girl, revealed that despite being injured while participating ...

Stepping forward towards UNSC non-permanent membership

A year after completing the duties as a non-permanent member of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) in 2009, ...

Two French warships docked in Bali

Two naval warships "Marine Nationale" from France have docked at Bali, including the FS Dixmude L9015, the ...

Indonesia wants to stay away from South China Sea conflicts

Coordinating Minister for Law Security and Political Affairs Wiranto has said Indonesia does not want to be involved ...

"A new history starts now" as N.Korea`s Kim meets S.Korean leader

Smiling and holding hands, North Korean leader Kim Jong Un and South Korean President Moon Jae-in met at the heavily ...

Indonesia concerned over Syria, urges to respect international law

Indonesia`s government expressed concern over attacks by the United States and its allies against Syria and urged all ...

Indonesia holds photo exhibition at UN headquarters

Indonesian Foreign Affairs Ministry held a photo exhibition to highlight 60 years of Indonesia`s contribution to world ...

Indonesia holds photo exhibition at UN Headquarter

Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs is holding a photo exhibition to showcase 60 years of Indonesia`s contribution ...

TNI denies use of rockets to chase armed group

The Indonesian Armed Forces (TNI) have denied using rockets to chase members of an armed group that had allegedly ...

President wants to liven up children`s movies

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) wants to liven up children`s films made in the country. "The president called ...