
Collection of tropical news, found 896 news.

Indonesia to launch `orange revolution` to boost tropical fruit exports

Indonesia is a country blessed with natural beauty and is home to 10 percent of the world`s plant species. There ...

Ratifying Nagoya Protocol key to curbing genetic biopiracy

Despite being one of the world`s most bio-diverse nations, Indonesia has yet to receive compensation for the ...

Indonesian State Enterprise Minister ready to carry out "orange revolution"

Indonesia`s State Enterprise Minister, Dahlan Iskan, is keen on carrying out an orange revolution, from 2013, by ...

London `Black Cabs` promote Indonesian tourism

As many as 250 cabs in London, popularly known as `Black Cabs`, are promoting Indonesian tourism by displaying slogans ...

Iindonesia`s forests have passed through critical period

The forests in Indonesia have passed through a critical period when millions of hectares were destroyed per year in ...

Govt to settle Walt Disney case legally

The government will take a legal action unless the Walt Disney Company would settle its boycott on paper products from ...

Minister studying boycott of RI` paper product

Industry Minister MS Hidayat said he was studying the boycott of Indonesian paper product by the United States company ...

RI to ask walt Disney`s clarification on paper boycott

The government will contact its representative abroad to ask Walt Disney Company`s clarification on statement over ...

RI plays central role in climate change adaptation and mitigation

Indonesia endowed with a vast area of forested land and sea plays a central role in global climate change adaptation ...

Washing hands seen as cheapest, easiest way to save lives

Indonesia, together with around 70 other countries celebrated the fifth Global Handwashing Day on Monday (October 15) ...

Revealing enchantment of Maluku`s enigmatic Maupora atoll

Mentioned in local folktales and noted for years as the meeting point of the devil and black magic users worldwide, ...

Great Barrier Reef loses half of coral in 27 years: study - (d)

The Great Barrier Reef has lost half of its coral cover in the past 27 years due to storm damage, crown-of-thorns ...

Fragments of Gold in Southwest Maluku

The islands of Southwest Maluku district in Eastern Indonesia are known for their breathtaking natural beauty, which ...

Indonesia has succeeded in reducing deforestation: president

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono has stated that Indonesia has succeeded in reducing deforestation and the ...

Facing anti-malaria nets, mosquitoes alter habits

After two African villages started using mosquito nets to fight malaria, the local mosquitoes seemed to change their ...