
Collection of ukrainian news, found 258 news.

MH17 crash site still unsafe for investigators: Dutch

The site in eastern Ukraine where flight MH17 crashed two months ago is still too unsafe for investigators to resume ...

Rebels deny they had weapons to shoot down MH17

Pro-Russian rebels in east Ukraine said on Tuesday they did not have the capability to shoot down Malaysia Airlines ...

EU considers travel ban on Russian defense minister

The European Union (EU) may impose a travel ban on Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu as part of a new package of ...

EU ready to impose new sanctions on Russia within one week

The European Unions leaders decided early Sunday to give Russia one week to de-escalate Ukraine crisis, or they will ...

After 23 years of independence, the struggle continues for Ukraine

Before 2014 many Indonesians were unfamiliar with Ukraine. Now we are known all over the world. Our country is ...

Indonesia`s int`l repositioning constantly improving: president

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono claimed in his state-of-the-nation address that Indonesias international ...

MH17 probe hampered by volatile security at crash site: UN

The United Nations said here Friday that a probe into the downing of Malaysian Airlines flight MH17 is being hampered ...

UNHCR: at least 285,000 flee Ukraine crisis

At least 285,000 people have fled their homes because of the conflict in eastern Ukraine, the United Nations said ...

Indonesia constantly monitoring identification process of MH17 victims

The Indonesian government is continuously monitoring the process of identifying bodies of the victims of the ill-fated ...

Indonesia`s DVI team helps identify MH17 victims

The six-member Indonesian Polices DVI team arrived in the Netherlands on Wednesday to help identify the victims of the ...

Ukrainian PM announces resignation

Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseny Yatsenyuk announced his resignation on Thursday over parliaments "ineffectiveness" ...

Indonesia demands trial of party responsible for MH17 tragedy

Indonesia demands trial of the party responsible for the Malaysian Airlines MH17 flight downed in eastern Ukraine on ...

Dutch father angrily "thanks" MH17 attackers for murdering daughter

A bereaved Dutch father has written a savagely ironic open letter to whoever shot down flight MH17, "thanking" them ...

Interpol team heading to Kiev to help identify crash victims

Investigators from the international policing organisation Interpol and its European counterpart Europol will go to ...

Malaysia Airlines confirms 12 Indonesians aboard MH17

There were 12 Indonesians among 298 passengers, who boarded flight MH17 from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur that crashed in ...