
Collection of uncertainty news, found 1.205 news.

Weekend Stories

Coronavirus taking a mental toll on medical workers

The United Nations (UN) has recently warned the coronavirus pandemic could cause a global mental health crisis. A ...

Smiths Medical acquires the business of Access Scientific, LLC, expanding vascular access offering

- Smiths Medical, a leading global medical device manufacturer, announces today the acquisition of the business of ...

In The First quarter 2020, Astra Agro Recorded IDR 371 Billion Net Profit

PT Astra Agro Lestari Tbk (AALI) has recorded a positive performance in the period of January-March 2020. The ...

News Focus

Gauging whether pre-employment card is solution amid COVID-19 pandemic

The novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic is much more than a medical crisis. The socio-economic ...

News Focus

All states should help rescue Rohingya refugees amid COVID-19 crisis

Almost all nations are currently reeling from the impact of COVID-19, the disease caused by a newly discovered ...

APEC faces output loss of US$2.1 trillion owing to COVID-19

The health and economic crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic afflicted over two million people globally, with 40 ...

Hytera anti-pandemic solutions help contain the virus crisis

- The recent outbreak of COVID-19 has affected all of us. Given the difficulties the world is currently facing at this ...

Weekend Stories

Coronavirus: Frontline medics offer messages of hope, advise caution

"On this virus, I think we're in the middle of a massive experiment worldwide and the experiment is: will ...

APEC members offer fiscal support to SMEs amid COVID-19 pandemic

All 21 members of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) have responded to the ongoing coronavirus disease 2019 ...

ADB projects economic slowdown in Indonesia in 2020 over COVID-19

The latest Asian Development Bank (ADB) report projects that Indonesia’s economy will slow down or only record a ...

Public should be edified on handling of deceased COVID-19 patients

Secretary General of the Indonesian Ulema Council Anwar Abbas called for the need for experts and the government to ...

Gojek launches 12 driver partner welfare programs amid corona pandemic

Application-based technology service provider company, Gojek, launched 12 driver partner welfare programs to contribute ...

News Focus

Economic stimulus, social safety get priority as slowdown looms

The novel coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, declared by the WHO as a pandemic, has wreaked havoc on the global economy ...

Indonesia's net international investment liability position widens

Indonesia’s International Investment Position (IIP) reflected a higher net liability of 30.2 percent of GDP at ...

Air carrier industry requires government incentive amid COVID-19

Indonesia's air carrier industry is in dire need of the government's incentive after the number of passengers ...