
Collection of unesco news, found 882 news.

UNESCO vows protection of world heritages against terrorism and wars

The UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) vowed on Sunday to protect the worlds cultural ...

Indonesian Arts Mission taking part in folklore festival in France

The Indonesian Arts Mission, represented by Dwipantara Creative, is participating in a series of "Festival ...

Balinese dances part of world`s intangible cultural heritage

Three genres of Balinese traditional dance are set to be included in UNESCOs list of the worlds Intangible Cultural ...

Keio Plaza Hotel Tokyo showcases the “Noh,” oldest dramatic form in the world, in collaboration with the National Noh Theatre

- Keio Plaza Hotel Tokyo, one of Japan’s most prestigious international hotels located in ...

ISIS atrocities uncovered in Palmyra

Palmyra, also known as Tadmur in Arabic, is one of the famous historical attractions in Syria. It is surrounded by the ...

Jjeju Island: from exiled criminal island to tourism attraction

Travelling to South Korea is considered incomplete without visiting the island, which has become the pride of the ...

Indonesia to be host for World Press Freedom Day 2017

Indonesia has been chosen as the host for the World Press Freedom Day (WPFD) in 2017, according to Indonesian ...

Serbia lauds Indonesia for not recognizing Kosovo

Visiting Serbian President Tomislav Nikolic has expressed gratitude to Indonesia for not recognizing Kosovos ...

Ministry hopes Papuan traditional house to be listed in UNESCO

The Ministry of Tourism hopes a Papuan traditional house, locally called "kaki seribu" (a thousand legs), will be ...

15 lucky applicants to be offered chance to learn Japanese cuisine in English at Japan campus of 'Le Cordon Bleu' with 120 years of educational expertise

AsiaNet 64033TOKYO, Apr. 11, 2016 /Kyodo JBN-AsiaNet/ --- Under "Japanese Cuisine Bursary Program" -Le Cordon Bleu ...

Half of natural world heritage sites at risk from industry

Industrial activity such as mining and logging threatens almost half of the worlds natural World Heritage sites, from ...

Mantan PM Selandia baru ingin jadi Sekjen PBB

Mantan Perdana Menteri Selandia Baru, Helen Clarck, mengemukakan keinginannya berkampanye untuk pemilihan Sekretaris ...

Indonesia inaugurates Bromo Edelweiss Garden

The Indonesian Minister of Environment and Forestry, Siti Nurbaya, has inaugurated the Edelweiss Education Garden in ...

Blambangan designated as world biosphere reserve by UNESCO

In its 28th session of the Man and the Biosphere Program International Coordinating Council (MAB-ICC) in Lima, Peru, ...

Ministry to organize Indonesian puppet show

Indonesias Tourism Ministry will organize an Indonesian Puppet Show at the eastern parking lot of the Senayan Sports ...