
Collection of unesco news, found 881 news.

The world’s 3rd largest book fair to host 1,420 publishing houses displaying 1.5 million titles in Sharjah

- This year’s Sharjah International Book Fair (SIBF.

WCF 2016 concluded with Bali Declaration launched

- World Culture Forum 2016 concluded on October 14, ended up with the issuance of Bali Declaration, 10 points of ...

World Culture Forum 2016 officially inaugurated

- World Culture Forum was officially opened today by the fifth President of Indonesia, Megawati Soekarnoputri. In her ...

Indonesia shares experiences on educational development

At an informal partnership meeting of Mexico, Indonesia, South Korea, Turkey and Australia in Dakar, Indonesia ...

Asmat Cultural Festival a great initiative

The annual Asmat Cultural Festival, which is currently underway in the easternmost province of Papua, is a great ...

World Culture Forum 2016: Culture for an Inclusive Sustainable Planet

-World Culture Forum (WCF) will be held again, entering the second time since the inaugural last held in 2013. This ...

Nusantara Batik Week expected to see sales of Rp6 billion

The ongoing Nusantara Batik Week is expected to record sales of Rp6 billion, a local official said. The target ...

Indonesia`s biosphere reserve management for sustainable development: Minister Marsudi

Foreign Affairs Minister Retno LP Marsudi has said managing the biosphere reserves in Indonesia is part of the ...

Padang launches disabled-friendly public zone

The administration of Padang city, West Java province, has set up a disabled-friendly public zone where people with ...

Bio Farma promotes Indonesia`s geopark at UNESCO conference

State-owned vaccine manufacturer and distributor Bio Farma is introducing and promoting Wonderful Geopark of ...

Preserving biodiversity for a prosperous Papua

The Agirway dancers of Papua performed the exquisite Ballads of Cendrawasih (Birds of Paradise) dance, marking the ...

Maintaining world heritage cities` network

As a member of the Organization of World Heritage Cities (OWHC), the city of Denpasar on the Indonesian island resort ...

Le Corbusier buildings named world heritage sites

Seventeen buildings designed by Swiss-French architecture pioneer Le Corbusier have become UNESCO world heritage ...

Manado-China direct flights expected to woo more chinese tourists

North Sulawesi is hoping to woo more Chinese tourists to visit its cities by offering what many Chinese tourists love ...

UNESCO vows protection of world heritages against terrorism and wars

The UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) vowed on Sunday to protect the worlds cultural ...