#us government

Collection of us government news, found 337 news.

Credit expansion more aggressive rising 13.35 percent: OJK

Banks were more aggressive in credit expansion with disbursements growing 13.35 percent year-on-year in October this ...

News Featue - Preserving Indonesia`s sea turtles by Rahmad Nasution

Indonesia is an archipelagic nation that is blessed by the Almighty God with an array of flora and fauna, several of ...

Two-state solution: Indonesia`s clear message to the United States

Indonesian President Joko Widodo emphasized the importance of a two-state solution to resolve the Palestinian-Israeli ...

RI,US launch book on the state of the sea

The Government of Indonesia and the United States (US) launched a publication of `The State of the Sea,` which ...

Financial bodies offer funds for post-earthquake reconstruction efforts

Indonesia is one of the most disaster-prone countries in the world, as it is located on the "Pacific Ring of ...

Official reserve assets high enough in sept: bi

Indonesia`s official reserve assets at the end of September 2018 were quite high at US$114.8 billion, although lower ...

Iinternational solidarity for Indonesia following quake

After the deadly earthquake in Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara, followed by a more powerful quake and ensuing tsunami in ...

Trump calls Jokowi, offers US aid for earthquake victims

US President Donald Trump contacted Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) to express his condolences and offer ...

Indonesia important partner of US in Indo-Pacific region

The current geopolitical conditions of the world have created challenges for the interests of peace, stability, and ...

Indonesia advancing towards developed, prosperous economy: US ambassador

Indonesia is on the path to becoming a developed and prosperous country, according to US Ambassador to Indonesia ...

Indonesia hopes US to maintain GSP facility

President Joko Widodo has expressed the hope that the US would not revoke the Generalized System of Preference (GSP) ...

Indonesia awaiting US lifting sanction on buying Russian Shukoi aircraft

The Indonesian Government is awaiting the United States lifting the embargo sanction on the Indonesian plan to buy ...

Indonesia to negotiate with US on GSP

Indonesia will soon negotiate with the US, which plans to raise the generalized system of preference (GSP) facility ...

US-China trade war has impact on Indonesia: Kalla

Vice President Jusuf Kalla opined that the trade war between the United States and China had direct and indirect ...

Indonesia can reinforce un`s role: legislator

Indonesia with its status as a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council (UNSC) can help strengthen the role of ...