#vaccination program

Collection of vaccination program news, found 1.384 news.

159.95 million Indonesians fully vaccinated against COVID-19

At least 159.95 million Indonesian citizens have completed the two-dose COVID-19 vaccination series as of Saturday, ...

Ramadan momentum to rev up COVID-19 vaccinations: Minister

Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture (PMK) Muhadjir Effendy affirmed that the government would ...

21.7 million Indonesians have received booster dose so far

At least 21.7 million Indonesian citizens have received the third or booster dose of the COVID-19 vaccine as of ...

Task Force reminds people to get booster dose before Eid exodus

The COVID-19 Handling Task Force has asked people who want to join the Eid al-Fitr mudik (homecoming exodus) to get the ...

Indonesia adds 4,189 COVID-19 cases

Indonesia’s COVID-19 case count grew by 4,189 on Saturday, taking the total tally to 5,995,876, the COVID-19 ...

Lampung government accelerates booster vaccinations ahead of Ramadan

The government of Lampung Province has made efforts to accelerate administration of the COVID-19 third shot or booster ...

Bogor City revs up booster vaccinations before Eid exodus period

The Health Office of Bogor City, West Java Province, is revving up COVID-19 vaccinations before entering the 2022 Eid ...

Cattle in Riau vaccinated to prevent spread of LSD

The Indonesian Ministry of Agriculture commenced vaccinating cattle in Riau Province to prevent the spread of lumpy ...

Ministry asks nurses to help cover remaining vaccination recipients

Health Ministry secretary general Kunta Wibawa Dasa Nugraha has urged nurses across Indonesia to help the government ...

Vaccination coverage expected to reach 90% soon: Lampung Police chief

Lampung Regional Police Chief Inspector General Hendro Sugiatno has said he is optimistic that the province will ...

COVID-19: 14.6 million Indonesians receive booster shot

At least 14.6 million Indonesian citizens have received the third or booster dose of the COVID-19 vaccine as of Monday, ...

Indonesia's economy to return to higher track in mid-term: BI

Indonesia's economy will return to a higher track in the mid-term, Deputy Governor of Bank Indonesia (BI) Juda ...

BNPB vaccinating Lombok people prior to Mandalika MotoGP event

The National Disaster Mitigation Agency (BNPB) is conducting simultaneous COVID-19 vaccination in  Lombok, West ...

Need to vaccinate 750,000 people daily to meet target: ministry

The government will need to administer 750 thousand COVID-19 vaccine doses per day to meet the target of 70-percent ...

Legislator calls for prompt health protocol reformulation

House of Representatives' (DPR's) Commission IX member Rahmad Handoyo urged the government to ...