
Collection of vaccinations news, found 2.035 news.

Indonesia adds 2,079 COVID cases in single day

Indonesia recorded an additional 2,079 daily confirmed cases of COVID-19 as of 12 p.m. local time on Saturday, the ...

Implement health protocols, vaccinations until pandemic ends: ministry

Discipline in implementing the health protocols and vaccinations must continue to be maintained until the COVID-19 ...

Mall, public transportation managers should reopen vaccination centers

Ministry of Health's spokesperson, Mohammad Syahril, called on shopping center or mall managers as well as public ...

WHO has 6 preconditions for shedding pandemic status: Ministry

The World Health Organization (WHO) has laid down six requirements for countries looking to shed their pandemic status, ...

Health Ministry seeking to purchase Indovac, Inavac vaccines in 2023

The Health Ministry will propose a budget for procuring the domestically produced Inavac and Indovac COVID-19 vaccines ...

Endemic status requires state leaders' joint agreement: Minister

Implementing the endemic status requires the joint agreement of all state leaders based on the controlled situation of ...

Eye on endemic status, IDI asks people to get COVID booster

The Indonesian Medical Association (IDI) has asked people to get the third dose or the first booster dose of the ...

Accurate body measurements of young children vital: BKKBN

The National Population and Family Planning Agency (BKKBN) has asked all integrated health posts (posyandus) to not ...

Bio Farma ready to produce 20 million IndoVac vaccine doses

State-owned pharmaceutical firm PT Bio Farma expressed its readiness to produce up to 20 million doses of the ...

COVID-19: Health screenings can optimize protection of elderly: expert

Health screenings can optimize the protection of older adults and other vulnerable groups against various COVID-19 ...

South Sulawesi to receive additional 200 thousand FMD vaccine doses

The South Sulawesi Government will receive additional 200 thousand doses of the foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) vaccine ...

Some 60.89 million Indonesians receive COVID-19 booster dose

The COVID-19 Handling Task Force reported that 60.89 million Indonesians received the third dose or first booster dose ...

KSP welcomes cooperation opportunity between government and ICRC

Deputy V of the Presidential Staff Office (KSP) Jaleswari Pramodhawardani welcomed the opportunity for cooperation in ...

Gov't makes congenital hypothyroidism screening of newborns mandatory

The Health Ministry has made congenital hypothyroidism screening (SHK) of newborns mandatory so that the thyroid ...

Adolescents could get Inavac as booster by year-end: Biotis

Locally-made COVID-19 vaccine Inavac could likely be used as a booster for adolescents by the end of this year, ...