#vice governor

Collection of vice governor news, found 304 news.

Bird flu entrenched in Indonesia

Avian influenza has become deeply entrenched in Indonesia with a number of provinces and districts being infected. ...

RI short of one million pouches of blood yearly

Indonesia has a shortage of about one million pouches of blood every year, Indonesian Red Cross (PMI) chairman M. ...

Bird flu in North Sulawesi needs optimal handling

The rapid spread of bird flu (H5N1) in North Sulawesi should be tackled optimally as it is disturbing the local ...

VP opens people`s empowerment meeting

Vice President Boediono on Wednesday opened a national working meeting here to familiarize the National Program for ...

E Nusa Tenggara governor`s old office building catches fire

The old office building of the East Nusa Tenggara governor caught fire apparently caused by a short circuit early ...

VP asks workers to prioritize dialog in settling problems

Vice President Boediono hoped Indonesian workers would prioritize dialogs rather than confrontation in settling ...

News Focus: No support for establishment of Islamic state

Although a growing number of radical groups in Indonesia today wished to see the country become an Islamic state, no ...

Seven interrogated over Kebumen clash

Police are interrogating seven people following a clash between military personnel and residents of Setrojenar ...

Ahmadiyah Officially Banned in W Java

The West Java provincial government will announce a regulation banning the Ahmadiyah religious sect here Thursday."The ...

Government to focus on disadvantaged regions economic growth

In an effort to step up the pace of economic development in disadvantaged regions, the government will intensify ...

Govt thinking of setting up six economic corridors

Indonesia plans to set up six corridors to accelerate development and economic expansion across the country, vice ...

Govt thinking of setting up six economic corridors

Indonesia plans to set up six corridors to accelerate development and economic expansion across the country, vice ...

Miniature traditional Gowa house to be built in South Africa

A miniature traditional Gowa house from South Sulawesi, known as Balla Lompoa, will soon be built in South ...

Corruption continues to hamper RI`s progress

Although its goivernment has allocated huge sums to tackle such pressing problems aa financial market instability, ...

Japan interested in kesambi oil investment

Bec Japan, a Japanese investor, wants to invest in kesambi oil (Schleichera oleosa) in East Nusa Tenggara province, ...