#vice president jusuf kalla

Collection of vice president jusuf kalla news, found 1.559 news.

Djibouti premier pays courtesy call on Kalla

Djibouti Prime Minister Abdoulkader Kamil Mohamed paid a courtesy call on Indonesian Vice President Jusuf Kalla at the ...

Kalla warns Indonesia's builders to remain professional

Indonesian Vice President Jusuf Kalla has warned all builders in the country to not just focus on lobbying authorities ...

Indonesia asks Djibouti to back its UNHRC membership bid

Indonesia has asked Djibouti to support its bid for United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) membership for ...

Kalla believes this year's election will be safe

Vice President Jusuf Kalla believed that the 2019 Election can run safely, despite the attack by suspected terrorist ...

PUPR Minister plays drum instrument in Banda Aceh

Minister of Public Works and  People's Housing (PUPR) Basuki Hadimuljono showed his ability to play drum ...

IA-CEPA to increase Indonesia`s exports to Australia

The Indonesian manufacturing industry will have a greater chance to increase exports to Australia, following the ...

Cleaning up Indonesia through trash hero movements

The Nahdlatul Ulama (NU), Indonesia`s largest Muslim organization, has hinted its support for reducing plastic waste ...

IA-CEPA to not only cover trade sector: vice president

The Indonesia-Australia Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (IA-CEPA) will also cover the investment and ...

Kalla leaves for Singapore to visit Ani Yudhoyono

Vice President Jusuf Kalla left for Singapore on Sunday to visit Ani Yudhoyono, the wife of former president Susilo ...

Indonesia to rebuild grand mosque in Philippines

The Indonesian government plans to rebuild a grand mosque in the Philippines, which was destroyed due to the Marawi ...

Indonesia imposes zero tariffs on Palestinian dates, olive oil

Indonesia imposed zero tariffs on dates and olive oil from Palestine, as a continuous commitment to support the social ...

Jusuf Kalla appreciates Nahdlatul Ulama`s recommendations on plastic waste reduction

Indonesian Vice President Jusuf Kalla officially concluded the Nahdlatul Ulama`s (NU`s) National Meeting of Ulemas and ...

Kalla instructs removal of symbol of sword from Muslim youth forum`s emblem

Vice President Jusuf Kalla has ordered the Indonesian Mosque Youth Communication Forum (BKPRMI) to remove the sword on ...

Jokowi discusses policy on utilization of forest area

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) discussed policies on land use in forest areas, with the aim of providing legal ...

ASEAN Secretariat, ASEANSAI and AIPA joint seminar promotes accountability

Indonesian Vice President Jusuf Kalla opened the first seminar, Jakarta, Tuesday morning, organized by ASEAN ...