
Collection of villagers news, found 1.032 news.

News Focus

Govt leans on development agenda to push Papua autonomy

Indonesia’s House of Representatives (DPR) is striving to finish the renewal of the Papua Special Autonomy Law ...

Indonesian, US marine soldiers hold drill on urban warfare

Indonesian and US marine soldiers took part in a joint training exercise on conducting military operations on urban ...

Three villagers found dead following gunfight near Ilaga Airport

Three villagers were found dead following a gunfight between security personnel and several armed Papuan terrorists ...

West Kalimantan to develop 15 tourism villages as pilot project

The West Kalimantan Youth, Sports, and Tourism Office (Disporapar) has planned to develop 15 tourism villages as a ...

News Feature

Trail Hongitochten in North Maluku

The spice-hunting adventure by European nations began when the Ottoman dynasty in the territory of Turkey hiked prices, ...

News Focus

Fallen warrior laid to rest, fight to restore Papua peace continues

The recent ambush by Papuan rebels in Dambet village, Beoga sub-district, Puncak district, which led to the death of ...

Nine armed Papuan separatist terrorists killed in gunfight: police

Papua Office Maj. Gen. I Gusti Putu Danny Karya Nugraha in Dambet Village, Beoga Sub-district. Related news: Five dead ...

Agent's death not retreat fight against armed terrorists in Papua: BIN

Intelligence officers and security personnel will never retreat from fighting armed separatist and terrorist groups ...

Papua provincial government condoles top agent's death in gunfight

Papua Office will be transported to Jakarta for a military funeral at Kalibata Heroes Cemetery on Tuesday. Speaking ...

Fallen top agent's coffin flown to Timika on Monday: Military

Papua Office, would be transported to Jakarta for a military funeral at the Kalibata Heroes Cemetery on ...

Indonesia's top agent in Papua dies of gunshot wounds

Papua Office Brig. Gen. Putu IGP Dani NK died of gunshot wounds in Dambet Village, Beoga Sub-district, Puncak District, ...

News Focus

Security personnel challenged to secure Papua's PON National Games

Papua Province braces for the convening of PON National Games in October this year in the midst of security threats ...

Slain student's father decries armed Papuan criminals as terrorists

Elminus Mom, father of the slain junior high school student in Beoga Sub-district, Puncak District, Papua Province, was ...

Wives of two slain Papuan teachers bestowed awards by ministry

The wives of two slain teachers in the easternmost Indonesian province of Papua were honored with awards from the ...

Suspected attacker of soup vendor blames armed criminal: police

A suspected attacker caught by Papua police in a case of brutal assault on a meatball soup vendor in Intan Jaya ...