Social Affairs Minister Khofifah Indar Parawansa plans to visit Tolikara to ensure that the needs of evacuees in the ...
Returning home en masse for Idul Fitri or Lebaran festive season, traditionally known as "mudik", must be a momentum ...
Several tourist destinations in Central Java are poised to welcome hundreds and thousands of Islamic post-fasting ...
The influx of new migrants seeking employment in cities usually gives rise to social problems if the existing ...
Some 500 military personnel have been deployed to prevent local villagers from entering a danger zone of erupting ...
President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) led a limited cabinet meeting to discuss ways to handle the refuges evacuated from ...
As a precaution to face various natural disasters that may occur without warning, Social Affairs Minister Khofifah ...
The death toll of the landslide that hit Cibitung hamlet in Margamukti Village, Pangalengan Sub-district, Bandung ...
Nine villagers are missing and four killed by a landslide that hit Margamukti village, Pangalengan sub-district, ...
Being located in the Pacifics ring of fire and comprising over 17 thousand islands, Indonesia is prone to natural ...
The death toll from Nepals devastating earthquake could reach 10,000, the prime minister said on Tuesday, as residents ...
Villages, Disadvantaged Regions Development and Transmigration Minister Marwan Jafar has set a target to provide ...
The Santoso terrorist group who is hiding in Central Sulawesis Poso District, is responsible for violence in the ...
Parts of Poso are being transformed into a battlefield as some 3.2 thousand Indonesian military officers of the Swift ...
As the illegal trade of wildlife continues to flourish, the government needs to work harder to crack down on pet trade ...