
Collection of villagers news, found 1.032 news.

Villagers flee homes fearing wandering Sumatran tiger in Bengkulu

Dozens of families from the Kumayan Hamlet are fleeing their homes to Talang Beringin village, Seluma District of ...

Indonesia spent US$16.5 billion on information technology

Indonesia spent US$16.5 billion on information and communication technology until the end of 2014, according to the ...

Landslide forces hundreds of Wonosobo villagers to evacuate

A landslide hit Garung Lor village in Sukoharjo sub-district, Wonosob District, Central Java Province, on Saturday, ...

Indonesian govt boosts deployment in Poso to hunt terror suspects

Following the central governments directive to crush "Islamic State members" in Indonesia, hundreds of military and ...

Alleged terrorists shot dead three villagers in Poso

Three villager in the district of Poso , Central Sulawesi have been shot dead by alleged terrorists, police said on ...

More violence in Poso, three shot dead by alleged terrorists

Three Tangkura villagers in the sub-district of Poso Pesisir Selatan, regency of Poso, Central Sulawesi, were killed ...

Search for Banjarnegara landslide victims stopped, 95 bodies found

The search of landslide victims in Jemblung Hamlet, Banjarnegara District, Central Java province is stopped due to the ...

Four cars and 14 motorcycles found in Banjarnegara landslides

Rescue workers have found four cars and 14 motorcycles from under piles of earth in the wake of landslide that killed ...

People now reluctant to join transmigration programs: Kalla

It is not easy to ask people to transmigrate now because there are many jobs available in Java, Vice President Jusuf ...

Banjarnegara`s landslides force 1,692 villagers to flee home: minister -

The number of villagers taking refuge following the deadly landslides in Jemblung Hamlet of Sampang Village, ...

Lampung farmers catch thousands of rodents in rat-hunting season

Farmers in Braja Luhur Village, East Lampung District, are a busy lot as the "Gropyok Tikus," or joint rat-hunting ...

Report about exodus from Nunukan to Malaysia untrue: Ministry

Media reports about an exodus of residents from numerous villages in Nunukan district, North Kalimantan, to Malaysia ...

Indonesia's Banten Province prepared to face natural disasters

As many as 360 volunteers in Lebak District, Banten Province, have been trained and equipped with evacuation tools to ...

Security personnel deployed to diffuse tensions in Adonara island

Security personnel will soon be deployed on Adonara Island in the eastern Indonesian province of East Nusa Tenggara ...

Aid workers must heed local culture to save lives: Red Cross

When Ebola emerged in West Africa this year, the virus was able to spread so quickly partly because burial rituals in ...