#voter turnout

Collection of voter turnout news, found 77 news.

13 foreign leaders congratulate Indonesia over peaceful elections

President Joko Widodo said on Thursday that leaders from 13 friendly countries had congratulated him for ...

Voter turnout estimated at 83.90 percent in 2019 elections: Pollster

Ma'ruf Amin pair collected 54.07 percent of votes and contender Prabowo Subianto-Sandiaga Uno collected 45.93 ...

News Focus

Ensuring a peaceful, smooth and safe electoral process on April 17

Indonesia, the world’s largest archipelagic nation with some 17 thousand islands, has been holding relatively ...

Voting for 2019 elections in Paris runs well

The voting for the 2019 Elections for Indonesian citizens in Paris, France, took place safely and smoothly, according ...

Vice President forecasts election turnout to surpass 75 percent

Vice President M. Jusuf Kalla has forecast that the 2019 legislative and presidential elections will record a voter ...

KPU prepares technical voting for Indonesian citizens abroad

The General Election Commission (KPU) of the Republic of Indonesia has prepared a technical voting process for the ...

Stability getting better during three years of Jokowi-JK administration

Stability has been one of the objectives of President Joko Widodo and Vice President Jusuf Kalla (Jokowi-JK) ...

7,000 police, military officers deployed to guard Jakarta Governor inauguration

The Jakarta Metro Jaya Police and Military Command will deploy some seven thousand personnel to guard the inauguration ...

Jakarta governor-elect promises to complete five-year term

Jakarta Governor-elect Anies Baswedan and his running mate, Deputy Governor-elect Sandiaga Uno, have reiterated their ...

Jakarta Election Commission officially announces Jakarta governor-elect

The General Election Commission (KPU) of Jakarta has officially announced the name of Anies Baswedan as the Jakarta ...

Election commission confirms Jakartans elect new governor

Just few hours after counting of ballot papers and the closing of 13,034 polling stations across Jakarta during the ...

Indonesia Again Passes Test Of Democracy In Second Simultaneous "Pilkada"

Millions of eligible Indonesian voters exercised their rights to directly vote for regional heads in the second ...

Minister reports peaceful regional elections to president

Home Affairs Minister Tjahjo Kumolo met President Joko Widodo at the Presidential Palace on Thursday to report the ...

Regional head elections in Papua relatively smooth, peaceful

Although reports on the implementation of gubernatorial election in Jakarta overshadowed simultaneous regional head ...

Governor cites low voter turnout in Jayapura regional head election

Voter turnout during the implementation of the mayoral election in Jayapura City was less than 60 percent, which is ...