
Collection of wamena news, found 386 news.

Army to clamp down on illegal goods flow on Papua highway

The Indonesian army will secure the 575-kilometer Transpapua section of the Jayapura-Wamena highway in Papua province ...

Police arrest two men for attacking priest in Papua's Jayawijaya

The Jayawijaya district police arrested two men, only identified by their initials as KW and TA, for their alleged ...

Call to avoid any provocative move echoed in Papua's Mimika

Deputy District Head of Mimika, Johannes Rettob, joined peaceful calls for native Papuan communities in Papua Province ...

KKSP-Papua praises prompt handling of 'racism' case

Papua’s South Sulawesi Family Harmony (KKSS) has praised the central and provincial governments' prompt ...

Police detain Hanura politician Ambroncius Nababan

A day after he was named a suspect for allegedly posting racist remarks against a noted Papuan human rights defender on ...

Ambroncius Nababan named suspect after posting racist content: police

Indonesian police’s cybercrime investigators have named People’s Conscience Party (Hanura) politician ...

Papua: Batak community urges police action on Nababan 'racist' remark

Representatives of the Batak community in Papua have appealed to the National Police to initiate action against ...

Hanura politician seeks strict action from police against racism

West Papua Chapter Sius Dowansiba on Monday for investigating the case. Meanwhile, Nababan disclosed to CNN ...

National police investigate case of Nababan's alleged racist remark

West Papua Chapter Sius Dowansiba on Monday. Meanwhile, Nababan disclosed to CNN Indonesia the reason behind him ...

Police should act against racist remarks on social media: KSP

Indonesian presidential chief of staff office (KSP) deputy urged the National Police to act sternly against Ambroncius ...

Pioneer flights again started to Papua's isolated areas: Government

Pioneer flights have again begun serving passengers and cargo services to several isolated areas in the Indonesian ...

TNI's Hercules plane to transport residents to Wamena for Christmas

The Indonesian military (TNI) has readied a Hercules plane to transport Jayapura residents keen on returning home to ...

News Feature

Wenda's political gambit backfires in Papua

On December 1, 2020, Papuan separatist leader Benny Wenda declared an “interim government” in West Papua ...

MPR supports Indonesian government to act sternly against Benny Wenda

People's Consultative Assembly (MPR) speaker Bambang Soesatyo appealed to the Indonesian government to act sternly ...

Govt, military, police urged to maintain state authority in Papua

Responding to the recent developments in Papua and West Papua, Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives (DPR), ...