
Collection of wamena news, found 386 news.

DPR Commission I's 10 members visit Papua for first-hand accounts

Some 10 members of the House of Representatives' (DPR's) Commission I, overseeing defense and foreign affairs, ...

Tembagapura's security intensified as measure against rebels' terror

- were shot dead by an armed group. The Lekagak Telenggen-led armed rebels were allegedly responsible for the killing ...

News Focus

Our hope for General Idham Azis

General Idham Azis has become Indonesia's police chief since early November 2019 after President Joko Widodo ...

Mastermind behind deadly Wamena rioting arrested by Indonesian police

The Indonesian police in Jayawijaya, Papua, arrested a village head, identified by his initials as YA, 45, for ...

385 Wamena riot survivors keen to return to city: military

Some 385 survivors of the recent Wamena rioting are eager to return to Jayawijaya District’s capital city ...

President stresses public alertness against natural disasters

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has appealed to Indonesians to always remain vigilant to natural disasters since ...

Jokowi ready to erect Jayapura's presidential palace: Papuan figure

Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) is prepared to erect a Presidential Palace and Dormitory of Archipelago in ...

President Jokowi inaugurates Youtefa Bridge in Jayapura

Indonesia's President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) inaugurated the Youtefa Bridge, also prevalently called Holtekamp Bridge ...

Papuan customary figure confirms land ready for presidential palace

Abisai Rollo, a customary figure of Port Numbay, Papua, confirmed that a 10-hectare plot of land was prepared in ...

Youtefa Bridge reflects Jokowi's commitment to build Papua: Wetipo

The construction of Youtefa Bridge is part of President Joko Widodo's (Jokowi’s) commitment to expediting ...

Jokowi instructs to expedite post-riot rehabilitation work in Wamena

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has given orders to speed up rehabilitation work pertaining to infrastructure destroyed ...

3,500 Papuan youth join roll call as Jokowi visits Papua

Young Papuan generation’s 3,500 members joined a roll call and cultural parade at Swakarsa Field, Arso ...

Wamena riot victims ready to hold dialog with President: Police

Chief of Papua Police Inspector General Paulus Waterpauw spoke of the Wamena riot victims' readiness to meet and ...

Jokowi to stay overnight in Kaimana, West Papua

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) and First Lady Iriana are expected to stay overnight in Kaimana District, West Papua, on ...

President Jokowi pays great attention to Papua

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi)'s plan to visit Papua and West Papua in the next few days reflects the importance he ...