#washington d c

Collection of washington d c news, found 275 news.

Journalists association demands better protection of women`s rights

The Alliance Independent Journalist (AJI) has urged all parties to provide better protection of womens rights, as it ...

Waters honors Singapore’s Bioprocessing Technology Institute (BTI) for glycoscience research

- At a ceremony and symposium today, Waters Corporation (NYSE:WAT) welcomed into its Centers of ...

IoT to shake up manufacturing sector

The impact of the Internet of Things (IoT) will be on display at SEMICON Southeast Asia, 25-27 April at SPICE in ...

MetLife is first U.S. insurer to achieve carbon neutrality

- MetLife, Inc. (NYSE: MET) today announced that it has achieved its 2015 goal of carbon neutrality, becoming the first ...

Trump to develop missile defense system against Iran, North korea: White House

The Trump administration intends to develop a "state of the art" missile defense system to protect against attacks ...

The 45th U.S. President Donald Trump

At around noon on Friday on the steps of the U.S. Capitol, Donald Trump was sworn in as the 45th president of the ...

UK olympic athletes, Posh Spice and Andy Murray honoured in Queen`s New Year List

Olympic athlete Mo Farah, tennis star Andy Murray, actor Mark Rylance, comedian Ken Dodd and Kinks musician Ray Davies ...

Anti-Trump protesters gather for third night, one shot in Portland

Thousands of protesters took their frustrations over Donald Trumps election as the next U.S. president onto the ...

Thousands march in U.S. cities against Trump presidency

Chanting "Not my president" and "love trumps hate," thousands of demonstrators took the streets in cities across the ...

Tokyo Moves into the Top 3 in the GPCI 2016 City Rankings; London and New York Retain Top Two Slots, Paris Drops to Fourth Place

- The Mori Memorial Foundation’s Institute for Urban Strategies, a research institute established by Mori ...

Minister Susi Pudjiastuti recognized as champion for oceans

WWF (World Wildlife Fund) has presented Susi Pudjiastuti, Indonesia Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries, its ...

SEMICON SEA 2016 achieves 11% growth, helping transform the Southeast Asia semiconductor landscape for the new hybrid age

SEMI, the global semiconductor industry association serving the entire manufacturing supply chain, concluded SEMICON ...

Disabled Indonesian delegates attend UN meeting

A total of 18 people with hearing disabilities are in the Indonesian delegation attending the UN meeting on the Rights ...

Indonesian halal products sold out at Moscow Halal Expo

Indonesian foods, including instant noodles, peanuts, and chips, as well as traditional beverages such as red ginger ...

Faith groups issue interfaith statement calling for urgent action towards nuclear weapons abolition in Geneva

-   On May 2, a group of diverse faith-based organizations issued a powerful interfaith statement ...