
Collection of washington news, found 1.815 news.

Clinton says she doesn't see getting back into politics

Outgoing US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on Tuesday cast doubt on speculation she might run for the White House ...

Mari Pangestu nominated for WTO director-general post

Indonesia has nominated Tourism and Creative Economy Minister Mari Elka Pangestu for the post of World Trade ...

Indonesia strives for economic growth in equity

To the surprise of many people, poverty problem is now found not only in least-developed countries, but also in ...

Obama, Hollande hold phone talks on Mali offensive

US President Barack Obama voiced support Friday for France`s military intervention in Mali and vowed to work with ...

Obama vows to build alliances, not `perpetual war` - (d)

President Barack Obama on Monday vowed to renew "strong alliances" around the world, saying that the United States was ...

Obama sworn in for second term

US President Barack Obama was sworn in by Chief Justice John Roberts for a second term in office Sunday in a brief, ...

China ships in waters around Senkaku disputed islands

Three Chinese government ships Saturday entered Japanese territorial waters around disputed islands, Japan`s ...

China ships in waters around disputed islands

Three Chinese government ships Saturday entered Japanese territorial waters around disputed islands, Japan`s ...

US, China agree on N. Korea sanctions deal

The United States and China have made a deal under which the UN Security Council will expand existing sanctions ...

Suicides in US military rise to record level

Suicides in the US military rose to a record level last year, with 349 troops taking their lives, despite concerted ...

US focused on Syria`s chemical arms after Assad

The United States is increasingly focused on how to secure Syria`s chemical weapons if President Bashar al-Assad falls ...

Japan`s Abe to visit Southeast Asia to boost economic ties

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe will this month make his first overseas trip since winning office to Indonesia, ...

Covington Opens Shanghai Office

- Covington & Burling has launched its Shanghai office, its third in Asia, following the opening of offices in ...

Beyonce to sing national anthem at Obama inauguration

Pop diva Beyonce will sing the national anthem before hundreds of thousands of onlookers at US President Barack ...

Japan`s abe eyes SE Asia, not US, for foreign trip

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is set to make Southeast Asia his first foreign destination, reports said Tuesday, ...