
Collection of widen news, found 224 news.

Finance minister optimistic budget deficit still within safe level

Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati said she is optimistic the deficit of the 2016 state budget is still within a ...

Budget deficit widens almost tripling but optimism high

Finance Minister Bambang Brodjonegoro said budget deficit widened almost tripling year-on-year in the first half of ...

Indonesia, EU officially launch CEPA negotiations

Indonesia and the European Union (EU), have agreed to officially launch Indonesia-European Union Comprehensive ...

ADB agrees to extend $500 million loan to Indonesia

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has agreed to extend US$500 million in loans to Indonesia to boost public-private ...

RI faces two major challenges: MPR chief

Indonesia is facing two major challenges to win competition in the current era of globalization, Chairman of the ...

Subsidy cut not to reduce diesel oil supply

The Indonesian governments plan to cut its diesel oil subsidy will have no impact on the volume of diesel oil supplies ...

Herbalife rallies its network to inspire healthy active living in bid to combat obesity in Asia Pacific

- Herbalife, a global nutrition company, has concluded its annual Asia Pacific training event – Extravaganza ...

Jakarta bay reclamation project has potential to widen social gap

The pros and cons related to the implementation of the Jakarta Bay reclamation project have continued to surface, ...

President orders ministries to cut budgets

President Joko Widodo has asked ministries and state institutions to cut their budgets to a total of Rp50 trillion to ...

Indonesian govt continues to facilitate small businesses

The Indonesian government continues to facilitate the development of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) which is one ...

Jakarta Reclamation Affects Thousands of Fishermen

Fishermen in Muara Angke in North Jakarta are the most affected by the ambitious giant sea wall and reclamation ...

Govt to seek new loans to cover deficit

Indonesian Finance Minister Bambang Brodjonegoro said here on Thursday that the government would seek new loans worth ...

Taisys, Mobisphere and Indosat Ooredoo announce partnership on GreenRoam Alliance

- Taisys and its affiliate, Mobisphere announced that Indosat Ooredoo has joined GreenRoam Alliance's slimduet® ...

France`s Hollande names former PM Ayrault as foreign minister

French President Francois Hollande has chosen former prime minister Jean-Marc Ayrault to take over as foreign ...

Indonesia rejoins OPEc to build energy resilience

Indonesia, which suspended its membership of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) at the end of ...