
Collection of wikileaks news, found 52 news.

VP questions accuracy of Australian media reports

Vice President Boediono questioned the accuracy of The Age and Sydney Morning Herald reports accusing President Susilo ...

Govt to ask US to clarify power abuse allegations

The Indonesian government will ask the US government for a clarification concerning diplomatic cables from the US ...

US, Libyan opposition meet in Cairo: Official

US Ambassador to Libya Gene Cretz and other US officials met in Cairo with members of the opposition seeking to topple ...

Gaddafi`s ukrainian blonde nurse plans to come back home

Ukrainian nurse Galyna Kolotnytska, who takes care of Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi, is expected to return to her ...

Counter-terror tactics needed to fight pirates: US

A US Navy admiral on Wednesday called for using counter-terrorism tactics against Somali pirates, warning the gangs ...

Teresa Scanlan of Nebraska crowned Miss America

Nebraska`s 17-year-old Teresa Scanlan was named Miss America Saturday becoming the youngest winner ever in the ...

Sweden aims to extradite Assange to US: lawyer

Julian Assange`s lawyer in Britain has accused Swedish authorities of secretly planning to extradite the WikiLeaks ...