
Collection of wind news, found 953 news.

Flood-related death toll reaches 21

Thailand`s Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Department on Friday reported a cumulative total of 21 flood-related ...

Whirlwind damages hundreds of houses, injures two in W Sulawesi

A whirlwind damaged hundreds of houses and injured two residents in Kalukku sub district, Mamuju District, West ...

Maluku not suitable for PLTN

The geographical location of Maluku province at the meeting of the Pacific, Australian and Euroasian continental ...

Gas more effective energy source than nuclear : official

The use of gas energy is still far more effective than energy from a nuclear power plant, acting head of Southwest ...

RI Soil Too Unstable For Nuke Power

Environmentalists and public activists have launched years of protests, arguing that Indonesia`s soil is too unstable ...

Falling trees in Jakarta hit 14 cars

Fourteen cars got damaged after being hit by toppled trees following torrential rains and strong winds that hit ...

Japan`s nuclear radiation will not reach RI

Radiation from Japan`s nuclear plant in Fukushima will not reach Indonesia, Chief of the National Nuclear Technology ...

Radiation fears spark panic buying, evacuations in Tokyo

Panic swept Tokyo on Tuesday after a rise in radioactive levels around an earthquake-hit nuclear power plant north of ...

News Focus : RI`s failure to host global environment day regretted

Indonesia`s failure to be named host of World Environment Day (WED) 2011 is regrettable because the nation has lost a ...

Fire destroys seven houses in Padang city

Seven houses on Pasar Baru street in Padang city`s Padang Barat subdistrict were destroyed by a fire early Thursday ...

Some 30 policemen seeking missing Pamekasan fishermen

Some 30 policemen had been seeking missing fishermen in Pamekasan, Madura, East Java, Tuesday. Head of the ...

BMKG: Waves in Enggano 3.5 meters high

The Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency estimated that the waves in the Enggano sea, Bengkulu, in the next ...

Int`l youth confab ends with 32-point recommendation

A five-day international youth conference ended here on Friday with a 32-point recommendation calling on each nation ...

Indonesians watching Hosni Mubarak`s resignation

Egyptian President Hosni Muharak`s resignation that his deputy Omar Sulaeman announced in a televised address on ...

Number of hot spots in Sumatra down

The Riau meteorological, climatology and geophysics office (BMKG) has reported that the number of hot spots on Sumatra ...